Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Space Marine Lovin'

Lately I have not been in much of a 40k mood, I have been struggling to think of anything to post up here and to even finish the bikers that I waited so long to get. So instead of pushing out content half heartedly I waited until I actually had a topic that had a bit of spark to it, something that I really cared about. In all honesty if I don't care about a topic I am not going to post about it. Going back to my 40k roots in this post, I am going to talk about why space marines are the best faction out there. I'm going to try really hard not to make this a space marine fan boy post because it is the faults the marines have that make them attractive to me far more than their perfect image.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Captain on Bike w/pictures.

Since I do not like to proxy models or not have models that are properly represented I knew that I had to get some non Blood Angel looking bikes to represent my White Scars allies. Here is the finished product of my captain on bike or Khandepending on what I finally decide on. I still need to get my hands on some Crimson Fist shoulder pads for him to be 100% done. Until then I am pretty pleased with the finished product.

Hammer of the Emperor: Support Units

Anyone who has fought with the Guard, or against them, knows that Guardsmen are not something to be feared when isolated from support. Ten models at Toughness 3 dealing damage at Strength 3 on a 50/50 hit ratio is laughable. A squad of guardsmen are easy prey for the roaming Warrior Brood or Assault Squad, Eldar/Tau Shooters, or Heretic/xenos Psykers. As mere mortals in the face of these threats, we in the Imperial Guard have options. Tactician Delta is back again with more insight into the Imperial Guard. As with any post with a guest author anything I say will be in this red lettering.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Salamander; Book Review

I just finished Salamander by Nick Kyme and I am happy to report that it was a pretty good book. I have to give credit to Mr. Kyme for bringing a fresh face to the adeptus astartes which can be a rather difficult task to accomplish. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the Slamanders s a chapter they re probably the friendliest to regular humans. Unlike other chapters that reside in huge fortresses that seclude them from a planets populace the Salamanders live among them and have a larger appreciation for human strengths and weaknesses than any other chapter. They have black skin and red eyes which makes them one of the last things I would want to see in a dark alley. Their favored weaponry is anything that has a flame attached to it and they enjoy making the weapons they wield super fancy in the free time they have. As with any book review of mine expect spoilers to be there so if you have been looking at this book and have been waiting for a stranger to recommend it to you then you can go pick it up now since it is worth the $8.99 price tag.

Into the fires of battle! Unto the anvil of war!