Saturday, June 29, 2013


It's been a wile since I posted anything and that's simply because I have very little to report right now. I am really trying to find a tournament in Southern CA to go to just to get a bunch of games in. I am getting a new phone with a good camera on it so I can finally take some passable pictures of my models and battles. I have a Space Wolf army being sold on ebay right now so once thats done over the next few days I can restock on a box or two of new models.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

How to Beat Eldar: Three Theories

           My friend recently had the pleasure of watching an Eldar player destroy a Dark Angel Dethwing themed army, a Chaos Space Marine Death Guard themed army, and his own Necron army. All the games were played at 2,000 points and had one thing in common; the Eldar won resounding victories against each player. This worries me because normally a new codex has a period of growing pains when a player has a hard time figuring out what will work and what wont and when they do when it is by the skin of their teeth. This is clearly not the case so my tactical team put their thinking caps on and we came up with three theories on how to beat the Eldar.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

1,000 Point Bat Rep With Pictures: Blood Angles v. Orks

On Saturday I had the pleasure of visiting my "local" GW store and getting a game in against a great opponent. I really can't say enough good things about the gentleman I played and wouldn't hesitate to play him again. It was a great game that went both ways and was a nail biter until the end. Continue reading and I am sure you won't be disapointed. 

Friday, June 7, 2013


Everyone's favorite chapter that they love to hate. Over the past couple of weeks I have gone on a personal journey to see what the Ultramarines are all about. Having read both of the big books by Graham McNiell to get a perspective of how they were perceived before what some might call, a 5th edition butchery. I won't be talking about the books too much in this review of the chapter, that will come at a later date. Just to be clear I am not going to go into the history of the chapter, all of that is on wikipedia. This is strictly how I feel the chapter was meant to be and what they have become.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Supplemental Codex

If you visited the GW website today you would have found that the rumored allied codex is not going to happen, but will still somewhat exist in the form of supplemental codexes where the book will focus on one craft world, chapter, regiment, cult, etc. In this post I will go into detail about how this will effect the hobby and what to expect for the future.