Sunday, June 9, 2013

1,000 Point Bat Rep With Pictures: Blood Angles v. Orks

On Saturday I had the pleasure of visiting my "local" GW store and getting a game in against a great opponent. I really can't say enough good things about the gentleman I played and wouldn't hesitate to play him again. It was a great game that went both ways and was a nail biter until the end. Continue reading and I am sure you won't be disapointed. 

Here is my list: Blood Angels
HQ- Reclusiarch in Terminator Armor 160 points. Warlord (Table allowed him to do something useless.)
Elite- Sanguinary Priest in terminator armor 85 points. Sanguinary Priest with Jump Pack 65 points.
Elite- Terminators with TH/SS 225 points.
Troops- Assault Squad with 2 Flamers. SGT had lighting claw and Infernus Pistol 230 points.
Troops- Same as last

Ork List
HQ- Big Mek with Shock Attack Gun (Warlord table gave his army move through cover!)
Troops- 30 Boyz with 3 big shootas anf Nob with powerklaw
Troops- Deff Dread with 2 burnas
Fast Attack- 5 Bikes with Nob with Powerklaw (I actually though that these were all Nob bikers for about half the game.)
Fast Attack- Dakka Jet with twin linked shootas (I cannot tell you how many times "twin linked" was said during the game.)
Heavy Support(?)- 10 lootas

My opponent set up the board before I got to the store and he did a great job setting it up and this is what it looked like.
The first picture is from my perspective the right side of the board followed by my opponent's side of the board, the left side, and my side.

The mission deployment was Dawn of War with mission being everyone's favorite Capture the Relic! My opponent won the roll to deploy first and I failed to seize the initiative. No night fighting in the game. 

The orks put 10 lootas in the ruined building in the middle of their deployment zone with the mob of 30 boyz and deff dread on his right side and bikers on the left.

Assault Squad 1: I deployed them on the far left hoping to be outside of the lootas firing range and I wanted to make any unit that wanted to get in front of them go through difficult terrain. They have the Sanguinary Priest attached to them.

Assault Squad 2: I put them in the building in the center of my deployment zone hoping to keep them there until the orks captured the relic then I would jump out to charge them. The picture I took was really blurry so I am not putting it on here.

Terminators: I put them on the right side facing the bikers who I thought were Nob Bikers at the time and I was hoping they would charge me. No picture for this one either.

Turn 1 Orks:

The bikers move up to shooting range of my terminators and the Deff dread and boyz move up on the other side of the board. The picture of the bikes is after the terminators moved in my movement phase.

In the Ork shooting phase the lootas got a good roll and killed 2 terminators and the big shootas from the mob of boyz killed an assault marine from assault squad 1. The Big Mek fired a STR 7 shot at the terminators that scattered 5 inches off of them.

Turn 1 Blood Angels:

Assault Squad 1: I moved them right 12 inches hoping to get a lucky charge on the deff dread.
Assault Squad 2: I moved them up to support their battle brothers and if I was getting lucky try for another charge on the mob of boyz.
Terminators: I moved them up 6 inches to attempt a very long charge on the bikers. I may have been better off running them in turn 1, but I was in a charging mood.

We rolled the terminator distance first and I got an 11 which is exactly what I needed! Then my opponent kindly reminded me that one or two of my guys had to cross through difficult terrain so I rolled another dice and got a 5 failing my charge by 1 inch which started a game of cat and mouse on the right side. I failed my charge against the deff dred and ended my turn.

Turn 2 Orks:

The Dakka jet comes in from reserves on my left side. Everything pushes up more on the left side facing off against my assault squads. The bikes on the right move back to stay out of charge range of my terminators. Assault squad one suffers under the crushing weight of fire from the Dakka Jet, Deff Dred, and the mob of boyz losing 6 models. The Orks also called their WAAAAGH!! this turn. 

The Big Mek fired his shock attack gun as assault squad 2 and rolled two 5s which teleported him into close combat with them. The boyz and dred charged assault squad 1.

I won the combat with his Big Mek giving me slay the warlord and consolidated towards my battle brothers to watch them face down the horde. I am not saying that I got first blood because I remember during the game my opponent claimed it for something and I don't want to take that away from him. I am also wondering why my opponent didn't challenge my SGT which may have kept him alive for another turn. The def dread lost a hull point from a krak grenade. I did challenge his Nob with my SGT who hit twice then failed to wound even with the lightning claw re-rolls! My squad was cut down to a man to have their gene-seed recovered at a later date. Not sure about my sergeant's gene-seed, I may not collect his. I also made a mistake that I feel bad about and I hope my opponent accepts my apology, I forgot that my Priest did not actually have a powerfist which I used in the combat.

Turn 2 Blood Angels:

Assult Squad 1: KIA
Assault Squad 2: I misplaced one of my flamers towards the back and since I can't flame my own guys I could not use it. My other flamer and bolt pistols did some work killing a handful of boys. 
Terminators: They lumbered after the bikes and I ran them to get them closer for a killing blow next turn.

I declared an assault with my assault squad getting all 10 of them into base to base with a model to get 10 hammer of wrath attacks that killed a nice number of boyz. I challenged his Nob again with my SGT and won it this time and killed another handful of boyz from the regular guys. I won the combat but the Orks still had more than 10 boyz in the squad so they were fearless and hung in the combat.

Turn 3 Orks:

The bikers scoot back again, the Dakka Jet moves to get some shots at the terminators, and that's it for movement. The terminators lose one to all the shooting from the jet, bikes, and lootas. The Def Dread charged into the combat with the assault squad. The assault squad put all their attacks on the boyz and killed all but 4 of them. The deff dred killed two assault marines. Blood Angels won the combat but were unable to chase down the boyz because they were in combat with the walker. 

Turn 3 Blood Angels:

Assault Squad 2: They move into the walker and they get one more hull point off the walker who also kills an assault marine. 
Terminators: They declare a charge into the bikes and they make it. The Nob Biker challenges and I accept with my terminator sergeant. The Reclusiarch and Sanguinary Priest kill all the bikers and the SGT won his challenge. 

Turn 4 Orks:

Lootas shoot into the terminators and kill the SGT who I placed in front after they consolidated. The walker killed a few marines in combat but I passed my leadership test after doing no damage. The dakka jet flys off the board.

Turn 4 Blood Angels:

Assault Squad 2: Fails to do any damage and losses a few more marines in combat also failing their leadership test and breaking from combat.
Terminators: Charges into the lootas killing 6 of them and they flee off the board. 

Turn 5 Orks:

The dakka jet comes back on the board and shoots at the terminators but does no damage. The walker charges my fleeing assault marines after he tries to cook them with his flamers, and they pass their leadership test. My sergeant snap fires his infernus pistol into the walker and hits it on a 6. I easily penetrate it and explode it 1 inch! 

Turn 5 Blood Angels:

Assault Squad 2: They activate their jump packs and move 12 inches right onto the relic, being careful not to land too hard and damage the thing. 
Terminators: They move towards the relic to further encourage the assault marines.

Turn 6 Orks:

We rolled to see if there would be a turn 6 and there was. The Dakka jet was unable to get a shot on anything and just flew around.

Turn 6 Blood Angels:

Not being able to do anything to a flyer they just walked back a bit and called the victory!

All That Survived the Battle

End Notes

I had a lot of fun playing this game. Once again my opponent was a fantastic sport who I would be happy to play against anytime. I feel like I misplayed my terminators, since I was worried about a deep strike mishap I probably should have kept them on the left side with my assault squads and just dominated that side of the board. I got really lucky with the Big Mek teleporting himself into an easy combat for me. I need to be more observant of what sort of terrain I am moving through, especially with my terminators. In the end it was great to finally get a game in against a great opponent.

Blood Angels: 4 VPs- Slay the Warlord and Holding the Relic
Orks: 1 VP- First Blood

Thank you all for reading and have an Emperor blessed day!


  1. Sounds like a great game and looked like a lot of fun!

    1. It really was a great game. I forgot how much fun can be had at 1000 points.

  2. Nice Battle Report, I am not going to lie but I was rooting for the Orks lol.

    1. I really thought they had it after killing my assault squad. It felt like that second squad just decided to give themselves the red thirst with how much work they put in.
