Friday, October 11, 2013

Getting Battle Ready

I have got a game set up with a friend for the 15th of this month and I am very excited about it since it will pit his Black Templars against my Blood Angels/White Scars army. I have not played against his Templars in over a year when I was running around with Blood Claws. What makes me most excited about this game is that it is two assault based armies fighting against one another. For me this is very rare, 6th edition is very much a shooting friendly so a game where bolt pistols and chain swords are on the majority of models will be a breath of fresh air.

My buddy gave me a small look at a part of his list; Drop pod number 1 Emperors champion, Crusader squad , Sword brother with lightning claws, One initiate with power sword, One initiate with meltagun, Two initiates with bolt pistol and chainsword, Four neophytes with bolt pistol and chainsword.

Since we are playing a 1500 point game he has about 1/5th of his army in that drop pod. I really feel like this is going to be like a big chess match since it is not going to be me charging into a bunch of gun toating guardsmen and hoping I have enough cobat prowess to carry me from charge to charge. If I chrge a unit of Black Templars I can expect to be counter charged right back until the combat is one huge melee that has both of our armies sucked into it. 

My advantages: My mobility is nearly unmatched. My deep striking terminators are the slowest thing in my army and as of right now I am thinking of starting them on the field to wipe out those poor saps that walk out of their drop pod. I feel like my mobility really gives me the ability to pick and choose my fights at will. He can drop half his army on top of me turn one in which I can bring the entirety of my own rmy to bare against it. I can redeploy at will, move all over the board striking at exposed squads, and I can use my snipers to pick out those Sword Breathren. 

What I am concerned about: This is really going to test how well my snipers can play since I do not plan on using them just to bring my terminators in. I know my frined has a land raider and some dreadnaughts so I am worried about him bringing those on the field, if he does that will really be a test of my moble abilities since the only things I have that can scratch a land raider or a dreadnaught is my infernus pistols. Challenges are terrifying to me right now since all BT characters get to re-roll to hit and to wound when in a challenge and they get rending. I really need to be rolling my precision shots to try and pick out those characters. I know the Emperors Champion will be in the army and I think I will be having my terminators try and take him and his unit on. 

The Spirit of the Game: My friend knows 90% of what I am bringing and I have a few guesses as to what he will be playing with. My biggest question is what do I want to do with my bike squad. If I felt like going all out to try and win this thing I would take 5 bikers with plasma/grav guns and laugh my way to a victory as they rack up the kills. That really is not how I want to ply this gme though. I am going to do my best to win the game without tailoring my list to give me an advantage over the Templars. The list I have been working on for a long time will serve me will here. There are a number of things I could do to give me a better chance of winning, like taking the teleport homer out of the scout squad or taking them out all together, changing out flamers for plasma guns, stuff like that. Really, where is the fun or honor in that? I built this list so that it could take on a wide variety of opponents and if I have to change it up so much to beat on someone I call a friend then my list really isnt as good as I think it is and I am not much of a friend. 

My List:

Ephraim's Spear (Blood Angels Detachment)

HQ- Reclusiarch in terminator armor 160 points, warlord.
Elite- 5 Terminators with TH/SS 225 points.
Elite- Sanguinary Priest in terminator armor 85 points, Sanguinary Priest with power fist and jump pack 100 points.
Troop- 10 Assault Marines with 2 flamers, Sergeant has Infernus pistol and lightning claw 230 points.
Troop- 10 Assault Marines with 2 flamers, Sergeant has Infernus pistol and lightning claw 230 points.

Blood Fists 4th Light Company; Captain Sicran Artimus (White Scars Allied Detachment)

HQ- Captain on bike with Teeth of Terra chapter relic. 
Commnd Squad- 3 veterans, 1 veteran with melta bombs, 1 Company Champion.
Troops- 5 Scouts with sniper rifles, camo cloaks, and teleport homer.
Fast Attack- 5 Assault Marines with melta bombs.

Total Points-1500.

It was really a coin flip between taking Khan or the custom Captain but I really wanted to try this guy out since he has the chance to do a lot of damage in close combat if I can get some good rampage rolls. I finished painting my scouts so it is nice to have that unit 100% finished and am now finishing the bases of my terminators as well as painting up the squad sergeant. They WILL be done before Tuesday so I am very excited to have my army 100% painted, based, and ready to go. If I feel really motivated I may paint up a bolt pistol to put on the Sanguinary Priest instead of his infernus pistol so everything is correct. But then again I am still using my Blood Angel bikes as my White Scars bikes sooooo I may wait for that. Thanks for reading and if you have any comments on my list let me know. Have an Emperor blessed day!

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