Tuesday, December 31, 2013

1500 Point Battle Report; Imperial Guard Vs. Blood Angels A Battle of Faith

It had been a while since I got a game in so I contacted my friend and we agreed to do a modified Relic mission at 1500 points. To make things a little bit more interesting after turn one the relic would scatter 2d6 in whichever way the arrow pointed, if it was a bullseye then the relic would move where the little arrow pointed. We also allowed custom characters to be taken but would give up a victory point if they were killed. The last thing that made this game unique was that all infantry sized models gained the deepstrike special rule, we also made a special rule called, "shunting," that every unit had which would allow a unit to scatter d6 inches in a random direction during any phase in the players turn I can assure you that this battle report is very unique and at the very least worth a laugh. It was a bitter fight to the very end with heroes arising from the most unexpected places.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Forging Ahead

With the new supplements of Escalation and Stronghold Assault being 100% legal to use in regular games of Warhammer 40k there are going to be some growing pains ahead for the gaming community. I for one look forward to the changes that these supplements can bring, hell if you want to bring a Baneblade to my preferred 1500 point games I will be more than happy to let you put it on the table. There are negative Nancies all over the internet saying how these books are terrible, they will never be allowed in tournament play, and anything else that can be said to condemn these books. In this post I am going to look at the positives that these new rule sets bring to the table and why I am looking forward to the changes.