Friday, December 6, 2013

Forging Ahead

With the new supplements of Escalation and Stronghold Assault being 100% legal to use in regular games of Warhammer 40k there are going to be some growing pains ahead for the gaming community. I for one look forward to the changes that these supplements can bring, hell if you want to bring a Baneblade to my preferred 1500 point games I will be more than happy to let you put it on the table. There are negative Nancies all over the internet saying how these books are terrible, they will never be allowed in tournament play, and anything else that can be said to condemn these books. In this post I am going to look at the positives that these new rule sets bring to the table and why I am looking forward to the changes.

I have said it many times in many posts here on this blog, more options is simply better for the game. I don't get to play games very often but when I do they are usually against a list I have never played before or one that I have not played in a very long time. Now I am sure that if I was able to get in at least one game a week that I would meet some repeated lists which is exactly what happened when I did play on a regular basis. So let's say that you and your gaming group have gotten to know everyone's lists in detail because as we know this hobby is expensive which prevents lists from being altered dramatically. Now your buddy that got a super heavy tank years ago for Christmas can put it on the table and really give you something new to go up against. You can finally use that terrain that almost every game store has that would normally be unfair for one side to have on the table, now it can be a fortification from the Stronghold Assault book. Yes you have to pay some money for the new books but it sure beats having to spend twice that to change up your list, it also saves you time you don't have to spend painting new models.

I can say all I want about how these books are good for normal games where nothing is on the line but a bit of pride in your army, but what do these books do for those who enjoy the competitive scene. Frankly these books are another thorn to pick at. Anything new will always be picked at by competitive players because it is more things that they have to learn about and either adopt or counter. I have heard a lot of people saying that these books will never be allowed at local tournaments and that may be true, if it is true then stop complaining about the books.  However if they are used in tournaments which I believe they should be it really opens the floodgate of possibilities.

I can only speak for myself in that I have strived for a balanced list that can take on a number of opponents and give me a good chance at winning so long as I play smart. For a while I was very worried about falling behind the power curve even more with so many releases coming out right after the other. At this point I have given up on the arms race. I really don't see it as holding up a white flag and just giving up. I have come to the realization that I am just going to have fun with the army that I have and evolve it the way I want it to. I do not have to evolve to meet a local or tournament meta simply because there are too many options out the for me to even want to consider countering. I will simply develop my list to best suit my playing style which will then give me the best chance to take on an unfamiliar adversary.

I look forward to seeing all sorts of crazy things on the table top in the near future. Although I will not be fielding them, it will be my pleasure to charge my marines across the table to rip apart those super heavies or fortresses with chainsword and bolt pistol in hand. Thanks for reading, feel free to leave a comment below on how you feel about the new supplements, and have an Emperor blessed day!

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