Sunday, March 31, 2013


Happy Easter everyone. Today is a busy day for me so I am going to keep this post short and sweet. Lots of things in store for you this week, I will be talking about Games Workshop's new found fascination with models that take half an HQ slot, a further look at Vanguard Veterans, another book review, and hopefully a battle report by the end of the week! I am also hoping that I will have something special so show you on Monday, something I have been working on for a while and am rather proud of. Once again happy Easter, I will be back to posting real content on Monday!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Not So Heroic

This post stems from a conversation I had yesterday with some friends that took some odd twists and turns and at a few points became rather unfriendly. What we were talking about was Vanguard Veterans and the Heroic Intervention special rule. I am going to climb on Blood Angel soap box and talk about this in the most even way possible and attempt to see the picture from all angles, wish me luck!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Brotherly Love

Happy Good Friday everyone and in the spirit of being good and loving I am going to ramble for a while about Imperial Guard and Space Marines, how they interact in the books/fluff, how their players interact, and my own views will be spattered on throughout.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

What Started it All

I thought that my first content based post would be about what got me started in warhammer and that would be a review of the book Helsreach by Aaron Dembski-Bowden which is a Space Marines Battle Novel published by Black Library. (I do not plan on revealing any spoilers but if they come out sorry!) What you get in this book is the gratuitous slaughter of Orks in an uncountable number of ways at the hands of the Black Templars themselves as well as Imperial Guardsmen.

First Post!

I decided to create my own war gaming blog mostly due to the influence of Shawn at BlueTablePainting and how he is always talking about becoming a part of the gaming community, so this is in my contribution in my own small way. What can you as a reader expect from this humble blog? You can expect regular updates to the blog; I am hoping to post something new at least once a day or every other day. The content I plan on posting up here is my own army progress, I only play Warhammer 40k and that will be my only game for the foreseeable future. My main army is Blood Angels, I also have Space Wolves, and I also have a small Minotaur space marine army that is on standby until IA 12 hits the market. I will be adding my own two cents to the information from the rumor mill. I also hope to initiate some sort of tactical commentary, especially for new players or for people that get intimidated by the larger places for that material. I am entering my third year as a 40k player and love all aspects of it, modeling, painting, the books, etc. It is a fantastic hobby and I really can't wait to share my own hobby world with you wonderful internet people. Have a fantastic day and thanks for reading.