I thought that my first content based post would be about
what got me started in warhammer and that would be a review of the book
Helsreach by Aaron Dembski-Bowden which is a Space Marines Battle Novel
published by Black Library. (I do not plan on revealing any spoilers but if
they come out sorry!) What you get in this book is the gratuitous slaughter of
Orks in an uncountable number of ways at the hands of the Black Templars
themselves as well as Imperial Guardsmen.
The events in this book take place during the Third Battle
of Armageddon. The first being when Angron invaded, the second Ghazkull's
Waaagh!, and the third is Ghazkull's return...hey that sounds like a trilogy
somebody get Peter Jackson on it! Anyway a newly promoted Reclusiarch Grimaldus
of the Black Templars is chosen by the High Marshall himself to lead a crusade
of 100 Battle Brothers in defense of the hive Helsreach. Grimaldus plagued by self-doubt,
which is odd for a Space Marine but seems to be a more common theme lately, is
unhappy with his new assignment to say the least. He is convinced that he and
all his Battle Brothers are going to die an inglorious death under a swarm of
Orks. I believe he has the right to be a bit pissy in the book, if the reader
looks more into the reasons of his mood instead of just figuring that Marines
are immune to psychology the book is a lot more enjoyable. The other characters
are pretty minor; you have his command squad which is full of your standard
guys: The young hotshot, the old veteran past his prime, the solid guy that
does nothing, and the medic. The Guard characters are largely forgettable
except for one Storm Trooper named Andrej (I had to look it up) who is the
comedic relief which is interesting coming from a Storm Trooper but immensely
enjoyable. The only other character I found interesting was the Princeps of the
Titan Legion and her interaction with the war engine itself.
Helsreach moves at a steady pace and the action is well
written in gruesome 40k fashion. There were three parts in the book that really
stood out above the rest and were so brilliantly described that it really put
you in a Templars armor watching Grimaldus lead a charge or whatever was
happening in the scene. My second favorite part in the book was when Grimaldus
essentially told a Titan to get off its lazy ass and fight, and it obeyed.
Personally any guy that can talk sternly to a Titan and get away with it is
awesome. (On a side note to you Black Templar players that one scene makes it
worth fielding him in a game no matter what his points cost is or rules are.) I
am not going to tell you my favorite scene because it’s at the end and will
have a spoiler in it and I don’t want to do that. I will say that it was a
combat scene, go figure, and it really made me want to start a Templars army on
the spot.
I would rate this book an 8.5, I highly recommend it to
anyone that liked 40k and has not read this book yet. I will argue with anyone
who calls Grimaldus...unfriendly names. I have begged a friend who plays Black
Templars for a year to read this book and he has promised me he will, and I
will hunt you down if you don’t! That's it for me, thanks for reading, I hope
you enjoyed it.
The artwork is awesome!
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