Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Necrons v. IG (Game 2)

This is game 2/3, the list for the Necrons has changed a bit so don't brush past it. That is all I have to say for the start, I hope you enjoy it.

HQ=Necron Overlord with Warscyther, Phylactery, Mindshackle Scarabs, Sempiternal Weave, Tachyone Arrow, Resurrection Orb, and Phase Shifter. (Royal Court: 2* Lords with Sempiternal Weave and Resurrection Orbs.)
Troops= Necron Immortals 5* and Necron Warriors 7*
Elites= 10 Lychguard, 6 with Hyperphase Swords and Dispersion Shields

Imperial Guard
HQ= Company Command Squad
Troops= Platoon Command Squad, 2 squads of Infantry each with Plasma Guns, and 1 squad of Vets with 1 Meltagun and 1 Plasmagun
Elites= Ogryn squad of 6 Ogryns
Heavy Support= 2 standard Leman Russ Battle Tanks with Heavy Bolter Side Sponsons and Battlecannons, and a Basilisk

This game I got completely annihilated in. Night Fighting failed for the first 3 turns so I was at a HUGE disadvantage in every aspect. I knew that I was pretty much boned because I needed that in order for his range 72" battlecannons and his range 240" Earthshaker cannon to not be effective...they were EXTREMELY effective. Turn 1 he had line of sight with 1 large blast from the Earthshaker Cannon and and killed off the bat 4 of my Lychguard. G than ran everyone up to get into firing range with their lasguns and plasma guns. Only one Lychguard stood back up out of the 4. Then the next turn I merely ran again to get into range. My Warriors and Immortals shot up an infantry squad and widdled them down to 4 Guardsmen leftover. But a retaliation was in order. In turn 2, all of his vehicles had line of sight now and it outright wrecked me in every way. He made 1 direct hit with the Battlecannon and the second Battlecannon and Earthaker shot scattered into more of my men! By the end of turn 2, I had 1 warrior left in a squad, 4 out of 10 Lychguard and 2 Immortals with their Lord. I lost everything. I made my leadership tests of 10 which is not hard at all and continued on...depressingly. I managed to assault the remainder of the 4 guardsmen and shoot them up the Ogryns with Gauss weapons from my remaining troops, "all missed" and they guardsmen were whipped off the board from the Lychguard. Again though those 3 Large Blasts came my way, one Battlecannon shot scattered off into nothing, but the other one managed to down the 3 remaining Immortals and Lord and again killed off another Lychguard. The Lord got back up with 1 of the Immortals. I had to make a Leadership which I failed for my Lychguard and ran 8 inches back to my deployment negating the resurrection ability. By the end of turn 3 I had 1 warrior left, 1 immortal with his Lord and 3 Lychguard and the Overlord running. I coincided at the beginning of turn 4.

Overview: I said it once and I'll say it again, I believe IG are the best counter to Necrons. The large blasts annihilated me in every way and the fact that my Lychguard ran meant i could not bring the one back through resurrection so it was 45pts down the drain. G and his IG were fearsome with their orders and amazing weapons and range. Something I definitely would have done differently was to bring lots of scarabs and no lychguard at all, they took up all my points but i figured 4++ save, I'll be fine....NOPE. Also Necrons seem to really benefit in mass infantry, Immortals were great with the Immortal having a Heavy Bolter equivalent weapon with the Gauss special rule but only 1 shot, however assault, so moving and shooting with str 5 ap 4 shots was nice, i just brought too few to make any impact. Again it was a slaughter fest for him and effectively the easiest win I have ever seen, no effort to wipe me off the board at all it seemed.

Analysis-  The Necron HQ needs to take that war gear option that makes it night fighting during your opponents shooting phase to prevent that sort of stuff from happening. Props to the IG guy for taking Ogryns. I dont think he should have mixed up the melta and plasma in the vet squad, I think both should have been plasma. As far to IG being the best counter to Necrons the Tau may have them in that regard, only time will tell. Good job to both players.

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