Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Necrons v. 30k Marines (Game 3)

This was a pretty interesting game since it is not a match you will normally see. The Space marine army being used in this battle is using the rules from the Horus Heresy book which might cause a bit of a balancing issue since those armies. I don't think that there really will be much of an issue with it since it is at a low point game.

HQ= Necron Overlord with Warscyther, Phylactery, Mindshackle Scarabs, Sempiternal Weave, Tachyon Arrow, Resurrection Orb, and Phase Shifter. (Royal Court: 2* Lords with Warscythes, Mindshackle Scarabs, Sempiternal Weave, and Resurrection Orbs.)
Troops= Necron Warriors 12*, Necron Warriors 12*
Elites= Deathmarks 7*
Heavy Support= Annihilation Barge with Gauss Cannon

Hersey EC
HQ= Praetor with Pouragon Blade and Iron Halo
Troops= Tactical Squad with Legion Vexilla 10*, Tactical Squad with Legion Vexilla 10*
Fast Attack= Legion Destroyer Squad with Jump Packs and Power Sword (sergeant) 5*
Heavy Support= Predator with Executioner Cannon and Heavy Bolter side sponsons, Predator with Heavy Bolter Side Sponsons

This game was by far the most fun. In the beginning before G moved, I marked with my Deathmarks a squad for them to go after and essentially when I do this they always wound a non-vehicle unit on a 2+ with their sniper weapons (potentially amazing against monstrous creatures), I chose his Destroyer squad as the mark. Now G moved everything up and only was in range for one Tactical squad to take pot shots at my Deathmarks as they were in line of sight on to of a building. He managed to outright down 2 and his Predators shot at my 12 man blobs of warriors. The warriors lost 5 men in one squad because of concentrate fire from the 2 predators. 

The beginning of my turn 1, 4 of the downed warriors stood back up and 1 Deathmarks also stood back up effectively making his kills by 2 men on his shooting turn. I moved up my warriors and moved my annihilation Barge form its hiding spot, moving 6" to fire its Twin-Linked Tesla Destructor weapon. the Deathmarks stayed on top of the bulding and my Overlord moved freely to engage the marines. The Deathmarks didnt have line of sight on the Destroyer squad because he managed to hide them behind terrain so they and the Annihilation Barge fired at a squad of Tactical Marines. The Deathmarks managed to kill 1 marine and the Annihilation Barge manage 4 hits with its main weapon, however being a Tesla weapon for ever initial his of a 6, you gain 2 additional hits effectively making its hist to 6 with the main weapon of Str 7 AP-. It fired its Gauss Cannon as well on snap shots because of the movement killing 1 marine with its AP3 weapon. He managed to save 4 out of the 6 saves so 4 marines died from that volley of Deathmakrk and Ahnillation Barge fire. The Overlord then fired with his Tachyon Arrow, range (Infinite) Str 10 AP 1 Assault 1/One use only weapon at the Predator's front armor causing a glance on it's armor 13. The warriors then ran to get closer to their targets. 

Turn 2, G moved everything up towards me for more shots. He again shot both Predators at my warriors downing 5 in one squad and 1 from the other. The tactical marine squad that was hurt by the Deathmarks and Annihilation Barge moved up for a better shot at the Deathmarks and downed 3 of them. The Praetor moved up along with the Destroyer Jump Pack squad to assault the hurt warriors. They managed to down another warrior with their double bolt pistols but failed their charge range and lost 1 marine from overwatch. 

On my turn 2, the 1 warrior that was downed from the 1st squad got back up and the squad that already had losses had 2 of the 5 warriors stand back up. the Deathmarks only had 1 resurrect as well. In my movement phase i moved all of the warriors to cover and moved my Overlord near the Annihilation Barge to meet his Praetor in an HQ melee fight. I moved the Annihilation Barge back 6" in fear of an assault but wanting to fire its main weapon with full BS. The Annihilation Barge managed to kill 3 more marines from the already hurt squad and the Deathmarks finally had line of sight with their sniper weapons on their marked Destroyer Jump pack squad. They managed to kill off 3 marines with their snipers. The warriors from the hurt Warrior squad finished them off with their Gauss Flayers. The other Warrior Squad was in range to glance the Predator that was shot by the Overlord outright and did so needing 6's when they roll to hit, they got 2, just enough for a wreck the already hurt Predator. In my assault phase I assaulted my Overlord with the Praetor. The Praetor had a unwieldy weapon so he struck last. He passed his leadership test because of my Mindshackle Scarabs require him to make a Leadership test on 3D6 or not attack me, but instead attack his friends or himself if hes by himself with whatever weapon he has. I then struck with the Overlord's Warsythe causing 3 AP1 wounds, all but 1 he made with his Invulnerable saves. He then struck back at me and downed my Overlord. Now because my Overlord has the Ever-Living special rule, if he is by himself and is killed, next turn if I get a 4+ I can revive him unlike my base infantry, and i gave him Phylantery "one use only" so he regains D3 wounds as well. If i get a 3 or below he is then permanently dead and a victory point for Greg. 

At the start of turn 3 G and his marines moved up and shot with their Bolt Pistols "so they could charge" at the unhurt Warrior squad, downing 3. Unfortunately 2 more died form overwatch and again they did not make the charge because of difficult terrain. He did manage to again down 3 more Warriors with the remaining Predator. Also He actually managed a charge with his Praetor and badly hurt marines into my Annihilation Barge, all having Krak grenades got 2 penetrating hits on the rear armor of 11. He got a 4 and a 5 effectively making it a 5 and a 6 because of Open Top vehicle blowing up the Annihilation Barge. and actually killing 2 more of his marines from the explosion which i laughed of course. 

My turn 3, The Overlord actually got back up with 2 wounds which was amazing. The warriors that failed to be assaulted moved up passed the tactical marines to get a good shot on the remaining Predator. They ended up wrecking it with their Gauss weapons needing three 6's to hit, i got 4 so that was another killpoint for me. My Deathmaks then shot their snipers at the marines that failed their assault near my warriors along with the 2nd hurt squad of warriors. They managed to kill off another 2 marines. My overlord then moved to assault the Praetor again with his 3 remaining wounds but was not in range.

G's turn 4, he shot again the 12 man squad of warriors that were very close to his marines that failed their assault and downed 3 surprisingly. G with the other squad of marines and Praetor shot and assaulted the Deathmarks. The Deathmakrs overwathed with their snipers and got 6 6's on overwatch. Now because snipers are Rending and Pinning he had 6 wounds and had to make a Leadership tests or his charge would have been negated because you cannot assault once pinned, it killed off all but 1 marine and he did infact fail leadership so he could not assault my Deathmarks, however the Praetor did with ease. The Deathmaks cause 1 wound and he downed 1 Deathmark as well. Moreover the last marines assaulted the squad of Warriors near the recently wrecked predator killed off another 4 warriors leaving me with only 6 out of 12 warriors and the lord, but i somehow made my morale check so they were not sweeping advanced and managed to kill 1 marine. 1more warriors stood backup from that assault. 

My turn 4, i could only assault so i did so, my Overlord assaulted the the Deathmark/Praetor/single marine battle. He used his Mindshackle Scarabs which the Praetor failed and actually killed off the remaining marine himself, then all my guys strike back at the single Praetor effectively killing him outright. The remainder warriors joined the other Warrior battle and he managed 5 downs and i only killed off 2 more marines. out of the 5 downs 3 stood back up, again I had to make a Leadership test which i passed.

Horus heresy

On his turn 5 and my turn 5 it was just a battle between the single remaining squad of marines against the 2 warriors, it was a batle of attrition and he didn't sweeping advanced me and i only managed to kill 1 marine per tern really. so we both ended the game with a Necron victory.

Yes this game I won by quite a bit but this game was the most fun both of us had playing 40k entirely. It was strange to fight Necrons and just a breath of fresh air for both of us. After this battle and all of the fun we had I can say Necrons are definitely staying for a while with me.

Analysis- Good way to end a series of games for both players. I think the lesson to be learned here for those fighting Necrons is to concentrate fire on one squad at a time instead of chipping away at multiple squads since reanimation protocals will negate that. For mindshackle scarabs check the faq, you do not get to pick the model they go after, it is chosen randomly between what enemy models are in base to base with your lord, unless I am reading something wrong. Good games.

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