Friday, August 30, 2013

Let Down Week

Sadly I have been unable to get any 40k material out this week. I did make it to a game store on Sunday but all the 40k players decided the sun was too bright and stayed at home leaving me in a store full of Magic the Gathering players. Home life has been pretty hectic which has prevented me from doing much else. Luckily though I had a job interview this week that went really well and am on to the second interview next week, so I will take a job over 40k any day because a job means more $$ for 40k! Other than that I will be pre-ordering the Space Marine codex soon and am planning a full review of the book. Come hell or high water parts will get posted the day that I get it in my hands. I am planning on doing it into parts like; fluff, chapter tactics, wargear, HQs, Elites, Troops, Fast Attack, Heavy Support, and finally my initial feelings about the books as a whole. Good night, I am exhausted, and have an Emperor Blessed day.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Assault Marines WIP2+Small Rant

This is part two of my work in progress assault marines. I have been working on these for a while now taking it slow and steady since I don't have many other projects to do after they are done. This is my first squad for my custom Space Marine Chapter of Blood Fists. Since I don't want to just throw a handful of pictures on here I am going to chat a bit on proxying models and, in my humble opinion, the proper way to go about it. If you don't feel like reading anything and just want to look at pictures then of course feel free to skip all the text you see. :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Death of Integrity Review

Books about Blood Angels and their successors have become some of my favorite stories that have come out of Black Library. James Swallow has written the larger works about the Blood Angels and as much as I enjoy his work it was nice to see Death of Integrity, written by Guy Haley, get released this month. This is the first book that I have read from this author and I am very much looking forward to future releases as well as possibly picking up some of his older material. Continue on to read my review of Guy's book, possible spoilers as always. If you are on the fence with getting this book for whatever reason allow me to push you to the side of getting it, it is well worth it.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Hammer of the Emperor; Imperial Guard Part 1 Infantry.

This post is written by a guest author, introduced as Tactician Delta in a previous post. He has been a Guardsman for around 4 years and knows quite a bit about the inner workings of the Imperial Guard. This is the first installment of a multi-part series that we will be doing that focuses primarily on the Imperial Guard. How it will work is Tactician Delta will create the basic structure of a list then elaborate on the inner workings of how those units are supposed to act together. After he gives the tactical advice I will then give a response from a space marine perspective. There will be something to be learned here for both veteran and neophyte players.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Blood Angels V. Imperial Guard 1500 point Battle Report With Pictures.

This weekend I drove down to a new game store called Pair-A-Dice Games to play some 40k with a friend I had not seen in a long time. Before I get to the battle report I want to say a few things about the store. It was a very nice place that has far more than just 40k, if you are into any role playing game, card game, or miniatures battle game they have stuff for you there and it won't take long at all to find an opponent. The store itself is very clean and well organized, no pressure to buy something from the people that work there. I liked it a lot and look forward to going back there sometime in the future. My friend and I both knew which army the other was bringing just not the full fist. We deployed on the long table edge which was good for me, I actually won the roll to deploy first but I let him go first so I could set up a counter deployment to that and avoid some of his shooting. The mission type was Purge the Alien.
 You can see how he has deployed here on the right side of the board, ignore the left side for now since I was just getting my models out of the box at that point. We had a great battle with lot's of death and carnage on both sides. Continue reading for the rest of the battle report and army lists.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Play the Player

There will always be complaints about units or entire army lists that are considered over powered and there is not much a person can do about it. To an extent that is true, especially if you do not have a decent counter unit. If you are playing against Space Marines and do not have any ap1-3 weapons your chances of winning drop significantly and the same thing goes if you don't have any anti tank weapons and your opponent is fully mechanized you will have a very hard time. What do you do when you run into an army that you are completely unprepared for? There are of course a few options available to you,; simply tell the person you don't want to play against that list, walk away to find another game, or hunker down and figure out a way to win. This post will focus on more psychological tactics that will hopefully assist you in at least making a game competitive. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Terminators in Depth

Arguably one of the most powerful infantry units in the game, terminators offer a wide variety of tactical options to allow a commander to solve a gauntlet of problems with one squad. My history with terminators started with my first Space Wolf army where I used the guys from assault on black reach as my wolf guard. Later I built some real wolf guard with lightning claws to run around with Logan Grimnar, and now I have a handful of terminators for my Blood Angels. I have been met with the entire spectrum of victories and defeats with this unit, seeing them get blasted apart by a Leman Russ packed with plasma, to watching them walk through an entire army without a scratch. In this post I am going to be looking at terminators and how best they can be used, giving plenty of examples of what I do with them.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Land Raiders and a 1750 point list

Land Raiders are very impressive vehicles because of the simple fact that they have an armor value of 14 all around the vehicle making it incredibly resilient. Not only can they take a beating but they can also dish it out in a number of different ways. I have been looking at Land Raiders for a while now and when I get my hands on one I really want to know which type will provide the most support for my army. It is very important to remember that the Land Raider is a support vehicle, not a main battle tank. In this post I will be looking at three LR variants and provide a 1750 point list that is pretty damn solid.