Sunday, August 4, 2013

Land Raiders and a 1750 point list

Land Raiders are very impressive vehicles because of the simple fact that they have an armor value of 14 all around the vehicle making it incredibly resilient. Not only can they take a beating but they can also dish it out in a number of different ways. I have been looking at Land Raiders for a while now and when I get my hands on one I really want to know which type will provide the most support for my army. It is very important to remember that the Land Raider is a support vehicle, not a main battle tank. In this post I will be looking at three LR variants and provide a 1750 point list that is pretty damn solid.

The first pattern is the Godhammer, a really good support vehicle that can rip apart vehicles with its two twin-linked las cannons and a bit of infantry support with a twin-linked heavy bolter. I really like this version because it gives you the potential to kill two vehicles a turn thanks to power of the machine spirit which allows you to fire one weapon at a different target then the one you originally fired at. I also think that if you don't have dedicated anit-air this vehicle can fill that role decently. If you can get a decent turn one with this vehicle, killing what you consider the main threats to your army, using this to try and shoot flyers would not be a waste of points.

What may be the most support based Land Raider, the Crusader variant has two sponsons of three twin-linked bolters and a twin linked assault cannon. While this won't provide much of a threat against vehicles it has the potential to kill an opposing infantry squad all by itself. I would keep this mid field where its full weight of fire can be brought to bear and support an assaulting unit. This vehicle can carry 8 terminators, so for the players that enjoy terminator death star units this is the Land Raider for you. If you are using a shooting army this version is a good vehicle to hide your terminators in since you don't want to rush forward and drop them off into combat. You will want to use them as a counter charge unit to go into an assault based squad that is threateneing something vital. It also has frag assault launchers so you don't need to worry about assaulting through difficult terrain and having your characters swing at initiative one.  This Land Raider needs to be played well to get some points back, but it can be a massive thorn in your opponents side when played well.

My personal favorite Land Raider is the Redeemer which is a close support vehicle that has a twin-linked assault cannon and sponson mounted flame storm cannons, it also can carry 6 terminators. The roll of this vehicle is pretty simple, roll forward and turn infantry to ash. I like to put a multi-melta on it so if there is a vehicle to transport I want to crack open I can power of the machine spirit the melta after flaming something else, then charge my terminators out and kill something else all in the same turn. 

This is the 1750 List that I developed, I will just put the list out and then do an over all synergy break down. 
HQ- Reclusiarch in terminator armor 160 points.
Eilte- Techmarine with servo harness 75 points. 
Terminators with TH/SS 225 points. 
Troops- Tactical squad with plasma gun and missile x3, two sergeants have a combi flamer 560 points. 
Dedicated Transport: Land Raider Redeemer with multi melta 250 points. 
Land Raider with the twin linked Las cannons 250 points. 
Heavy Support- Predator with twin linked Las cannons x2 230 points.

How I would want this to work is the godhammer sits back in some ruins that will be fortified by the tech priest that will be sitting in it giving it a 3+ cover save, he can also repair vehicles on a 5+ thanks to the servo harness.. The predators will be providing my basic anti armor counter or chipping away at wounds from monstrous creatures. The Reclusiarch and terminators will be in the Redeemer and trundle forward until they get into assault range of something. (Taking a step back for a second I think a lot of players misuse their Land Raider's by trying to get their terminators into one unit that only they can kill. I think the best way to play this unit is to have them charge the first thing possible. If the Land Raider is blown up your terminators are now standing around for a turn and in danger of being counter charged. If you get them out as soon as possible that is one unit being tied up by terminators which means they can't be shot at and allows your Redeemer to focus on other things which in the end allows for faster attrition of your opponent.) The three tactical squads are there to capture objective but can also dish out a reasonable amount of fire with the missiles and plasma. With high toughness units working their way onto the field more and more missiles and plasma is important to have in any army. This is a well balanced list that in theory can take on a wide variety of opponents but is versatile enough to not be really one dementional and not be any fun to play. Total cost of this list is $468.75 without tax.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of it. Please feel free to leave a comment and have an Emperor blessed day!

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