Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Saving the Assault Phase?

In the Emperor's name, charge! I have always been a fan of assault based armies, from my first Blood Claw heavy Space Wolf list to my current quick striking Blood Angels, the unifying theme of each army has been connecting on the charge to win the day. It is safe to say  that close combat armies have been nerfed in 6th edition. New abilities such as snap fire, an abundance of weapons that ignore cover, and even the AP system for combat weapons has made it much more difficult for a charge to carry the field. This post may sound like a lot of wish listing but I think it will provide an interesting amendment of rules for a friendly game.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Arms Race Continues

Games Workshop's 2014 Warrior Code is going to change a lot of things in the gaming community. Just to be clear this code is meant only for events hosted at the Warhammer World in England, but make no mistake that most other venues take their lead from the folks at WW. I'll be providing a link to the code itself as well as talking about the big changes so that you are not blindsided next time you go to play a game.


Friday, January 10, 2014

Battle Brother Event; List 1.

I have always been a big fan of team games with Warhammer 40k. They just feel more complex, no matter what the points level is. You are required to work with your partner to form a list that compliments each other and execute a tactical battle plan to win the game. In almost every case someone does something they aren't supposed to, shooting at the wrong target, charging early, or any number of blunders that mess up a unified battle plan. I find these games to be incredibly narrative. Anyone that has read any book by Black Library that has two factions working together is familiar with all the bickering that can happen, but is also familiar with all the amazing things that can happen as well. I find myself, for the first time, in the position to attend a Battle Brothers event hosted at the World of Battle, Games Workshop, North American Headquarters in Memphis. This post is going to cover my portion of the list, at least the first one I have come up with, and my goals for the 5 game tournament.