Sunday, January 12, 2014

Arms Race Continues

Games Workshop's 2014 Warrior Code is going to change a lot of things in the gaming community. Just to be clear this code is meant only for events hosted at the Warhammer World in England, but make no mistake that most other venues take their lead from the folks at WW. I'll be providing a link to the code itself as well as talking about the big changes so that you are not blindsided next time you go to play a game.

No need to fear about the basic rules changing, your models must still be based, painted, and assembled. There is no need to worry about being kicked out of your local gaming store if you come to play with unpainted models but you can fully expect there to be a standard in any sort of tournament. For those that want to see the code here is the link for it, I highly suggest you read it.

The biggest changes are that for the first time that I know of, they are allowing you to create your list from ANY current Games Workshop publication. This includes standard codex releases, Escalation, Stronghold Assault, Forge World publications and experimental rules, as well as data slates. Unless specifically stated, you can now expect to see lists from all over the place.


I can hear all the woes and gnashing of teeth from all the competitive gamers out there as well as the tears of confusion from the casual gamers. I see people throwing paint stations out of the window or dropping money at the local store for more models. People are either going to be stockpiling up weapons for an arms race or are going to drop out of the race all together and stay where they are at.

Arms Race- I feel sorry for those of you that are going this route because there is going to be a steep learning curve for you to meet. You need to become familiar with Forge World armies, stronghold/escalation books, as well as every other little update out there. Not only that but you need to figure out a way to counter all of that. Personally I think that is just laughable. If you are playing a 1750-2000 point game there is no way to account for all the different types of lists you might find at a tournament which makes it come down to the luck you have in which opponents you get. Or, get this, you can make a balanced list without trying to get the super cheese combos and have fun with the game! Shocker?


Watching the Arms Race- These folks are going to be chilling with the current amount of models that they have waiting for the metta to change in which they will then have to adapt to. Should save you some money in the long run but you are going to have to be the one that adjusts to the changes instead of making them. 

My Plan- I am only going to be playing in 1500 point games. I have loved this point level for the 4 years I have been playing and it is only getting better. It really limits what else a player can bring if they want a super heavy or fortification in the list. Playing in smaller point games does two things for me; the first is that it limits what each player can bring between troops to hold objectives, rock hard HQ choices, and reliable support there is not much else add unless they want one big thing but lack the rest of a solid list. The second thing is that at 1500 points it allows for multiple games to be played in one day which is key, especially after suffering a bitter defeat. 

In the end you can always refuse to play a game with someone. I would without hesitation refuse to play someone who had multiple Heldrakes on the table, unless it was a tournament in which I would then do my best to try and score some points. Stay in combats during my opponents turn so I don't get toasted. There is always tactics that can help you win a game or help you accomplish a personal goal in a game where you are the clear underdog. That's it for me, thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment below. Have an Emperor blessed day!

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