Friday, January 10, 2014

Battle Brother Event; List 1.

I have always been a big fan of team games with Warhammer 40k. They just feel more complex, no matter what the points level is. You are required to work with your partner to form a list that compliments each other and execute a tactical battle plan to win the game. In almost every case someone does something they aren't supposed to, shooting at the wrong target, charging early, or any number of blunders that mess up a unified battle plan. I find these games to be incredibly narrative. Anyone that has read any book by Black Library that has two factions working together is familiar with all the bickering that can happen, but is also familiar with all the amazing things that can happen as well. I find myself, for the first time, in the position to attend a Battle Brothers event hosted at the World of Battle, Games Workshop, North American Headquarters in Memphis. This post is going to cover my portion of the list, at least the first one I have come up with, and my goals for the 5 game tournament.


Allow me to give you a little bit of information about the event so you know the limits I am working under. Two players must work together to make a 1500 point list. That can be one person using 500 points of Imperial Guard and another person get's a 1000 points of Space Marine allies. Pretty much however the players want to split the points is up to them. Not being a greedy person I am going to try to keep my portion of the list under 750 points.


My Army- This is going to be a continued project of the custom Blood Fists Space Marine chapter.I am hoping that my blue and yellow space marines can make a striking appearance on the table top. The idea behind this list is to make a quick reaction strike force, but I didn't want to do it the way I normally would with just a bunch of assault marines from the Blood Angels codex. Using the standard marine codex this is what I came up with.


HQ- Terminator Captain with the Shield Eternal Relic 170 points. 
Troop- 5 scouts with sniper rifles, missile launcher, camo cloaks, and homing beacon 95 points.
Troop- 5 scouts with a heavy bolter 63 points.
Elite- 5 Terminators with 3 thunder hammer and storm shields 215 points.
Heavy Support- Stormraven with twin-linked las cannon and multi melta, and 4 missiles 200 points.
743 points total.

At this point I am taking the primary detachment part of the list which is why I have two scout squads. I will have them both just hugging the best cover they can find, I will worry about objects on turn 5 if they are still alive by then. Hopefully by turn two my Stormraven will be able to deep strike right on top of my sniper scouts and kill some stuff with its impressive array of fire power. By turn three the terminators will be jumping out and assaulting things.

The models- I plan on kit bashing a lot of things to get my terminators to be as unique as possible looking. I have Forge World cataphractii terminator armor sitting around, combine that with a box of assault terminators and Grey Knight terminators, and I will have an eclectic group of terminators that will allow every model to be unique. I was given Lugft Huron by a friend that will provide the base model for my captain. Just add in a storm shield instead of the flamer arm and he is good to go. If I can figure out a way to remove the claw arm I may change it out with one of the Grey Knight weapons. 


I am not really sure what else I can do to make my army look unique. I may get the FW marine scouts to act as my scout sergeants. I will probably just leave the stormraven alone, maybe get the Imperial Fist vehicle doors to put on it and leave it at that. 

If you are wondering what is going to be the other half of the list, it is most likely going to be Imperial Guard.

Thanks for reading, if you have any input on my portion of the list let me know. Have a great and Emperor blessed day!

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