Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Support from the Heavies

My armies tend to be fast moving assault based armies, the buffs that shooting units have gotten in 6th edition    has not changed how I like to run my armies. I have evolved a small amount I now have a few units that can shoot at 24 inches instead of having an army that was based completely on a 12 inch threat range. That may change for me because I think I finally found a model that will finally bring me into the 36 inch range...

Let me introduce you to the Space Marine Rapier Laser Destroyer from Forge World!
This beasty is a 60 point model (2 crew) STR 9 AP 2 twin linked artillery piece with 36 inch range and can be taken in a battery of 1-3! 180 points for 3 of these, I think I am sold. 

While it is not all that effective against infantry you will have a field day against vehicles with these things, maybe even get in a shot against a flyer thanks to it being twin linked. I might actually get some of these since vehicles always give me a hard time, especially lists that have a lot of transports in them, I can only melta bomb so many things. Thanks for reading!

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