Friday, May 24, 2013

GW letting people save money?!

Anyone that has visited Games Workshop's website today will know that Eldar have come out today with some very cool new models. That Wraithknight is massive and I really like the look of the close combat Wraithguard. Other then that I thought it was a pretty weak release compared to the other ones, hopefully it will be made up for in the codex. I found a very nice surprise that some people may have over looked in their  joy of the new release.
Codex: Eldar
New Eldar Codex

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sternguard and Vanguard Changes

I had a conversation with a friend the other day that I really did not expect to have. He really is not a big fan of Space Marines so when he started talking about increasing the points cost for veteran units I had to roll my eyes thinking he was going to go into a tirade of how over powered terminators are, it was anything but. The following is the results of the conversation.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Just a quick post here. The pictures are now up for the Necron-Tau battle report. It really is worth it to go back through it again and look at all the nice pretty pictures. Thanks, have a good one.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Battle Report Necrons v. New Tau (With Pictures!)

This is another battle report from the same guy that provided the last ones. 1,000 point battle of the oldest 40k race against the emerging new one. The bat rep itself is from the players own point of view and his opinion on the game. That being said lets get to the battle.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Support from the Heavies

My armies tend to be fast moving assault based armies, the buffs that shooting units have gotten in 6th edition    has not changed how I like to run my armies. I have evolved a small amount I now have a few units that can shoot at 24 inches instead of having an army that was based completely on a 12 inch threat range. That may change for me because I think I finally found a model that will finally bring me into the 36 inch range...