Saturday, May 11, 2013

Battle Report Necrons v. New Tau (With Pictures!)

This is another battle report from the same guy that provided the last ones. 1,000 point battle of the oldest 40k race against the emerging new one. The bat rep itself is from the players own point of view and his opinion on the game. That being said lets get to the battle.

     First off let me say that this again was the definitely one of the most fun and nail-biting games I’ve had the pleasure of playing in my 40k career.  It was a game between my Necrons and a good friend of mine who played with his brand spanking new Tau codex and wow has it got some new buffs.  It was only a 1,000pt game which was surprising because it lasted for almost 4 hours and no referencing at all and no breaks, it was just so tense.
HQ - Necron Overlord: Warscythe, Phylactery, Mindshackle Scarabs, Sempiternal Weave, Tachyon Arrow, Resurrection Orb, Phase Shifter.
(Royal Court)
2        Necron Lords with Sempiternal Weave and Resurrection Orbs.
Troops –12 Necron Warrior.
              12 Necron Warriors  
Elites – 5 Necron Deathmarks
Fast Attack – 3 Canoptek Scarabs
                      3 Canoptek Scarabs
Heavy Support – Annihilation Barge with Gauss Cannon

Tau: (I do not know Tau and may get some names wrong for Wargear)
HQ – Commander BattleSuit: T-L Fusion Blaster, Plasma Rifle, Target Lock, Onager Gauntlet, Nueroweb System Jammer
          Cadre Fireblade
Troops – Fire Warrior: 10 Shas’la, Shas’ui Otori, Markerlight, 2 Marker Drones, Talissera.
               Fire Warrior: 10 Shas’la, Shas’ui Mori.
               Kroot Warriors: 10  Kroot, Hound, Krootox, Sharper Gorge.
Fast Attack – Vespid: Shardwing Hive, 5 Stingwings, Princess Xochitl.
                       Pathfinders: 8 Pathfinders, 3 Ion Rifles, Shas’ui Za’wa, Blacksun Filter
Heavy Support – Hammerhead: Submunitions, T-L SMS, Blacksun Filter, Sensor Spines, D-Pod
Game: Purge the Alien “Killpoints”              
Deployment: Dawn of War “halves long ways”

Necron Deployment

Tau Deployment

He held his Commander who was attached to his Vespid squad in reserve to be deepstriked along with his Kroot squad to outflank, also he did not steal the Initiative and Night Fighting was in effect.

Turn 1 “Necrons”:
GO Scarabs GO!

Before moving I “Marked” his Pathfinder Team with my Deathmarks as their priority target to have them wounded on 2+’s.  Then I mostly ran all my forces to meet him in range of my Gauss weapons.  We found out that the forest was “Brainleafe Fonds”.  Basically at the Start of the Shooting phase a unit must roll for it’s Leadership on 3D6.  If failed, a random model in the unit inflicts D6 automatic hits on his buddies in the unit.  My Deathmarks were the only ones to shoot and managed to kill 3 of his Pathfinders.

 Turn 1 “Tau”:
Sorry guys the photo was really bad but all he did was move his Hammerhead into cover and shot in it’s Large Blast form and scattered off of my Deathmarks into nothing.  Also his Pathfinders managed 3 wounds and took away my cover but I made all 3 armor saves.  He did manage to down 3 Necron Warriors with a squad of Fire Warriors from the based squad of Warriors and 2 stood back up.

Turn 2 “Necrons”:

I moved up all of my forces again, ran both of my Scarabs swarms to eat his Hamerhead.  The 2 units of Necron Warriors and the Ahnillation Barge all shot at the group of “white” Fire Warriors killing only 4 because he made a lot of his armor 4+ saves.  The Deathmarks again widdled down the Pathfinders killing only 2 because of his cover saves.

Turn 2 “Tau”:

The Tau were able to bring in all their reserves with their Kroot Outflanking on my side and the Vespid/Commander Deepstriking behind by Annihilation Barge.  Both the Pathfinders and the squads of Fire Warriors shot at the “Based” Necron Warriors and managed to down 3 of the Warriors.  The Kroot managed to shoot at the Deathmarks downing 1 and the Lord made 8 saves with his 2+ save.  His Commander managed to get a Glancing hit on the rear armor of the Annihilation Barge putting it down to 2 Hullpoints.

Turn 3 “Necrons”:

During my turn, 1 Necron Warrior stood back up and the Deathmark did not.  The Deathmarks moved up towards the Tau line and only killed one more Pathfinder.  The “Based” Necron Warriors moved towards the Kroot to widdle them down and the Annihilation Barge killed 4 Fire Warriors from the squad closest to it.  The Canoptek Scarabs charged the Hammerhead and unknown to me was how effective Tau was on overwatch and their supporting fire ability.  The Canoptek Scarabs got destroyed by the overwatched and only 1 based remained with 2 wounds.  It only managed to eat away 1 armor value from all facings.  The Necron Overlord and the Necron Warriors shot at the Vespids and Commander.  The Necron Overlord used his Tachyon Arrow and actually rolled a 6, this means a precision shot and I of course picked out the Commander with the STR 10 AP 1 weapon.  His Commander died immediately and the so did 2 Vespids from Gauss fire.

Turn 3 “Tau”:
Servo Skull Tape Measure

During the Tau turn, “Blue shirt” over there moved his Vespids in the rubble terrain to receive a 2+ Cover Save when Going to Ground and he moved up his Fire Warriors closer to my Annihilation Barge.  He also shot at my based Necron Warriors with a Large Blast from the Hammerhead downing 5 of them.  He also killed off the 2 Scarabs swarms that remained with ease leaving his Hammerhead under no threat whatsoever.

Turn 4 “Necrons”:

I moved my Necron Warriors that were based towards the remaining Pathfinders along with my Deathmarks.  The shot at them and killed off all but one and the Cadre Fireblade that was attached to them had 1 remaining wound left.  They failed Morale and ran later in this turn.  The Annihilation Barge shot at the closest Firer Warriors again and killed 3 more.  The 2nd squad of Necron Warriors moved on top of the hill to shoot at the Vespids but they all made their 2+ Cover Saves from going to ground, denying me an easy killpoint

Turn 4 “Tau”

The Tau Pathfinder regrouped along with the Cadre Fireblade, who split from the squad and moved towards the “White” Fire Warriors.  He hid the single Pathfinder to deny me a Victory Point.  His Kroot moved slowly and widdled down the Deathmarks along with a Large Blast from the Hammerhead downing and killing 2 more Deathmarks because of failed resurrection rolls.  He moved the other Firer Warrior squad to get cover behind the fence from incoming fire as well and shot with them and the other Fire Warriors at the bases Necron Warriors downing 4 and killing 2 of them because of failed reanimation protocols.

Turn 5 “Necrons”:

I didn’t move too much because I was in sufficient range for my weapons and am not a close combat army so I went straight to shooting.  My Deathmarks and Lord shot at the “White” Fire Warriors only killing the 2 Drones in front and not inflicting heavier casualties because of the low model count.  The “Based” Necron Warriors and Ahnilhilation Barge however did manage to whip the Fire Warriors that were near the fence with combined Gauss and Tesla fire.  And lastly my other squad of Warriors and Overlord still tried to kill off the Vespids but again made all their 2+ Cover Saves.

Turn 5 “Tau” & Turn 6 “Necrons”:

The Tau managed to kill off both the Deathmark Squad and the “Based” Warriors with concentrated fire from their Fire Warriors and the Hammerhead giving him 2 Killpoints in one round. During my turn on turn 6, I moved my 2 Lords in Assault range and moved my Annihilation Barge as well to engage the “White” Fire Warriors.  The Barge and the Lords all shot and killed 4 more warriors and I charged the Fire Warriors with my 2 Lords that were left over from the Warriors and the Deathmarks to tie them into combat because I did not want them to get shot and give him another Killpoint.  Also my other Warriors and Overlord failed to charge the Vespids and give me an easy Killpoint.  The Assault with the 2 Lords ended in a draw because no one managed to wound each other in Close Combat….very anti-climatic.

Turn 6 “Tau” & End Game:

No one really moved on the tau side because everyone was either out of range or in an Assault.  The Hammerhead however tried to kill my Annihilation Barge and managed to hit it with it’s Str. 10 AP 1 weapon but rolled a 1 and did nothing.  In the Assault phase the 2 Lords and the Fire Warriors again managed to do nothing to each other.

The game ended with a Tau victory (5-4).
Tau = 5 Killpoints:                  1 Necron Warriors
                                                2 DeathMarks
                                                3 Line Braker “Kroot Outflanking”
                                                4 Canoptek Scarabs
                                                5 Canoptek Scarabs
Necrons = 4 Killpoints:           1 First Blood
                                                2 Slay the Warlord
                                                3 Commander
                                                4 Fire Warriors
Conclusion:  This game was very close and I was in the lead for 5 rounds.  Had the game ended by turn 5, I would have won by 2 Killpoints but it went to Turn 6 where the Tau player clutched it out and managed to kill 2 more squads and received the winning points.  It was a very fun and tense game as said before and although only 1,000pts, it was more fun than a few Apoc games I’ve played.  Congrats on the new Tau codex, Overwatch is amazing with their “Supporting fie” ability and raising their BS by one in Overwatch.  One thing I would have done differently was not chase after those Vespids and not have those Scarabs in 2 separate units but one big Scarab blob.  Overall it was a great game.

I wanted to apologize about posting this before the entire picture situation was figured out. It looked like a great game and thanks to my friend who is providing me with the material. 15,000 point apoc game is in the works! Thanks for reading everyone.

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