Sunday, July 28, 2013

Something Different, Bretonnians

A few years back I got the Warhammer Fantasy itch and actually bought a few models, and painted them up. Funds were quickly diverted elsewhere, mostly going to my Blood Angels and the project died before I could really get up and running. The person responsible for getting me even interested in WHF was Oncebitten360 who does awesome battle reports on youtube as well as other things. Really this post is for him since I promised him I would show him the models when I was done painting them. So while I am a few years late on actually getting pictures up, it's better late than never!

The color scheme I wanted to go with was something that allowed each knight to be an individual but also have something that unifies all the models in the unit. I went with green and that red/orange color for the lords colors so every single blanket would be those colors while allowing the individual knights heraldry on the shield portions. It made sense to me at the time and I still like it.

These models all really helped me learn to work with transfer sheets since my freehanding ability was nill at this point and still is.

The guy with the fancy antler helm is the leader of the unit. You may notice that his chest has the colors flipped and I did that on purpose because of the simple reason that I liked it better.

I am really happy with how the banner came out. I can't explain why I used the blue and white other than I liked how it looked on the guy with the boars head insignia. 

That's really all there is to this little post. I did enjoy painting the knights and they make a great colorful unit. I got a lot of practice with the transfers and really helped me when I went to paint a few Death Korps of Krieg riders for a friend. As of now these guys are just nice to look at. Maybe when the army book gets released sometimes this decade I will be able to convince myself to get into the game. 

Thanks again to Oncebitten for providing the motivation to get this unit done. Have a day blessed by the Lady of the Lake!

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