Sunday, July 28, 2013

Something Different, Bretonnians

A few years back I got the Warhammer Fantasy itch and actually bought a few models, and painted them up. Funds were quickly diverted elsewhere, mostly going to my Blood Angels and the project died before I could really get up and running. The person responsible for getting me even interested in WHF was Oncebitten360 who does awesome battle reports on youtube as well as other things. Really this post is for him since I promised him I would show him the models when I was done painting them. So while I am a few years late on actually getting pictures up, it's better late than never!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Evils of Snap Fire and a bit of Black Templars

A new mechanic for 6th edition as we all know by know allows weapons to be fired more often thanks to Snap Fire. In the old edition if you moved a heavy weapon you would not be able to fire it, think of it as having to reset the weapons firing platform or changing the complex targeting algorithms to get an accurate shot off. While this aspect of the rule sounds very handy and allows players to get their points worth out of a weapon, even if it is hitting on 6s, there is one part that is just evil and that is being able to snap fire when getting charged.


Monday, July 22, 2013

Dark Angels: Ravenwing

This post is going to be a mix of a review of the book Ravenwing by Gav Thorpe and some of my own feelings about the Dark Angels chapter. My own history with the chapter is pretty limited, I have never played them on the table or even read all the way through their codex but I have read multiple Black Library books where Dark Angels have a prominent role. For those that don't want to read the full post I will suggest to you that you read Ravenwing, I really think that it is one of the better written space marine books and well worth the time spent reading it. Spoilers throughout this post.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Assault Marines WIP

This is my first bit of work on my own custom chapter of Space Marines. I picked assault marines because I have done about 40ish assault marines for my Blood Angels so this is a very familiar model for me to work with which I figured would help me with assembly and how I want to paint it. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

2,000 Point Battle Report Blood Angels V. Orks with pictures

I was looking for a new store to play games at the other day and ran into a place called Dice of War and I stopped in. Very friendly staff that is low pressure and the gamers looked like they could play at any level of competition with a wide variety of armies. I was able to get in a 2,000 point game with two other gentlemen from the store. One of them brought out his Orks and the other guy and myself made a combined army of Blood Angels.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Blood Angels Mechanized List

I like infantry assault based space marine armies and as a result I don't spend much time looking at the heavy vehicle options of the codex. Today however I decided to give it a serious look to see what I could come up with at the good old 1500 point level. I think Blood Angels have an advantage on this front over their counter parts because of their suped up engines that make all their vehicles, except landraiders, fast moving. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Forge World in Tournaments

I am going to start this by saying that I love Forge World, their models are beautiful and the rules are unique and exciting. I am very slowly working on a Minotaurs army because their story is awesome and a Space Marine chapter that specializes in beating on other marines is always cool. Something that has always upset my gaming group is that FW rules are never allowed in tournaments, so in this post I am to look at the pros and cons of FW in tournaments.

Monday, July 1, 2013

List Packed with Troops

I got in the mood to build a list that still had my signature fast and hard hitting units but had more options to it for every game type and this is what I came up with.