Friday, July 19, 2013

Assault Marines WIP

This is my first bit of work on my own custom chapter of Space Marines. I picked assault marines because I have done about 40ish assault marines for my Blood Angels so this is a very familiar model for me to work with which I figured would help me with assembly and how I want to paint it. 

These next pictures are what comes on the sprue. You get 10 different chest and back pieces, 5 of them have the harness for the jump pack and 5 regular chest pieces. I picked the ones with the harness because I like the look and it just makes sense, so now I have 5 extra chests to do random stuff with. The weapons it has are 5 bolt pistols and chainswords, a power axe/sword/fist, and a combat shield. It comes with a number of heads as well as regular back packs for those that want assault marines without jump packs which just sounds silly to me. 

When I was assembling them I really wanted each model to have its own unique pose to anything I had done before and the next pictures show what I came up with.

I always wanted a guy with 2 blades.

I learned that by modeling a guy with a grenade I am more likely to remember my grenade throw attacks.

These guys came out just how I want them, this could be a movie poster!

I started with a basecoat of white, then went to grey to make it darker. I then did one side yellow, then the other side dark blue, and then layered on different shades of yellow and blue until I came to the colors I liked. 
Test model

I went with a red helmet because it really goes well with the lighter colors. I decided everyone in my chapter is going to have red helmets with the crest part denoting what type of squad they belong to, in this case black represents an assault squad member. 

Base done, simple sand and grass. Legs and helmet done.

I still am working on the red stripes on the sword. I drilled out my bolt pistol, that is a must do these days.

Like I said, the stripes need work.

This is what the finished product came out to be and I am pretty pleased with the result. If you have noticed I did not put the shoulder pads on, that it because I am waiting to get chapter specific ones since my free handing ability is nearly non existent. Thanks for taking the time to look at my newest project, let me know what you think of the paint job and or the color scheme. Have an Emperor blessed day!

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