Thursday, July 11, 2013

2,000 Point Battle Report Blood Angels V. Orks with pictures

I was looking for a new store to play games at the other day and ran into a place called Dice of War and I stopped in. Very friendly staff that is low pressure and the gamers looked like they could play at any level of competition with a wide variety of armies. I was able to get in a 2,000 point game with two other gentlemen from the store. One of them brought out his Orks and the other guy and myself made a combined army of Blood Angels.

We were in a bit of a hurry to get started so we could finish the game before the store closed so I was not able to get the lists for both armies but I will tell you what I know was there. Also I am working with a new phone which means a new camera so it took me a few pictures to realize I needed to take the flash off and because of the rush to keep rolling dice the pictures aren't great at telling the story but it is better than nothing.

Blood Angels: Librarian on a bike, Sanguinary Priest on a bike and another one with a jump pack, 2 assault squads with flamers, 4 Marine Bikers, 7 Death Company and Lemartes with jump packs, Baal Predator with flamestorm cannon, Vindicator, devastators with 3 rockets and 1 lascannon, and a Death Company Dread with Blood Talons. 

Orks: Warboss with Powerklaw, 3 Meganobs, 20 'Ard boyz, 10 lootas, a few truks, a looted wagon, 10 burna boyz, 10 rokkit launchas, 20 grots, a battery of lobbas, 2 squads of 3 rokkit buggies, 20 cyborks with Boss Gritsnack. I probably missed something or misnamed some stuff and for that I apologize but lets just get to the good stuff.

The mission type was Big Guns Never Tire and rolled up 5 objectives and we had deployment zones on the long table halves. Blood Angels took the first turn and the Orks failed to seize. 

Top of Turn 1: My assault squads jumped forward to get in better position for turn two assaults. Bikes moved up 12 inches and fired their bolters at the cyborks and killed two of them, the librarian cast Sanguine Shield to give my guys a 5+ invulnerable save. The Death Co dread came out of his drop pod and flamed 3 lootas to death. My ally was deathly afraid of lootas and really wanted them off the board. The devastators moved up to the second story of the ruined building. Both tanks failed to do anything and that was the end of our turn.


Bottom of Turn 1: The Orks moved forward. Grots on my right started moving through the building and the buggies started moving to engage the tanks. The truks moved up in the center to hold the objective there, and the cyborks charged the drop pod, destroying it and claiming first blood. It also seems I did not take any pictures of this turn.

Top of Turn 2: This turn everything went the Blood Angel way. The Death Co dread killed a few cyborks, my assault squad jumped up and flamed the lootas who then failed their moral test and fell back a few inches. My biked shot at the cyborks and the librarian fired a blood lance that killed three of them but bounced of the hull of the looted wagon. The vindicator blew up the truk with the warboss and burna boyz, and my other assault squad blew up the truk with the rokkit launchas with one of my few infernus pistol hits of the game. The devastators fired into the Warboss and burnas killing a bunch of them but they passed their leadership. 

In the assault phase I finished off the lootas making my ally feel a lot better. My bikes charged into the cyborks along with the dread and killed a bunch of them. My other assault squad killed the rokkit launchas in the assault and captured the objective. 

Bottom of Turn 2: No effective shooting. The Gretchin are on an objective and the warboss with the lone burna boy move to assault my marines. The 'Ard Boyz also hop out of the loted wagon. Pretty much everyone and everything fluffs their attacks in the cybork combat so its just one guy and the Mad Doc. Warboss charges in losing his pal to snap fire. He losses two wounds but kills two marines. 

Top of Turn 3: Death Company arrive and deep strike next to the 'Ard Boyz and shoots a few of them. My assault squad jumps from the building towards the war truk. My librarian activates his force weapon and finishes off the Doc, which is by the way my first kill with a force weapon in my 40k career. We all consolidate towards the Boyz.  My Sanguinary Priest kills off the Warboss who gets another marine. 

Bottom of Turn 3: Grot buggies fired at the vindicator and did nothing to it. War Truk fired at my assault marines and killed one. 'Ard Boyz shot and charged the Death Co. A lesson is to be had here, don't ever charge Death Company unless you have a lot of high strength low AP attacks or have a 2+ armor save. Lemartes killed 4 Orks by himself, and then the rest went killing a bunch only to lose maybe 3 models. The 'Ard Boyz were under 10 models, failed their leadership and were then ran down.


Turn 4 and 5: These two turns were both very short so I am combining them into one section. The tanks and buggies shot at each other and the Blood Angels came out on top. My assault squad assaulted the war truk and blew it up. I missed both infernus pistol shots on it which is why I had to assault it. The Orks didnt kill anything else but they held two objectives, and in our zeal to kill we only captured one. Thankfully the Ork player brought a lot of heavy support options and we won through killing all of those.

End Notes: Both guys were a joy to play with and hopefully I will get the chance to play again soon. In itself the game was a lot of fun, and I have to thank the guys for letting me get a game with them since this was part of their campaign and it was well within their right to tell me to go away. Death Company are awesome and I should probably look into taking them in more lists. First time in a while I have not payed with Terminators and it was nice not having the invincible guys on the field. Also my first time playing with my bike squad and they did awesome. Twin-linked bolters are incredible. I only lost one bike to a difficult terrain test and that actually made me happy since the model was falling apart. All around fun game, at a great store, with awesome people. 

Thanks for reading this battle report and have an Emperor Blessed day.


  1. This game may have been one sided but I feel as though everyone should have a resounding defeat. It keeps the game fresh and lets you try out new lists and discover new potentials with your army and what it can be capable of. All in all I think they were both solid lists and again...I was rooting for the Orks, don't judge! Great game and I cannot believe that killing the Painboy was your first ever Force Weapon kill hahaha great job dude!

    1. Sometimes it's refreshing to have your army wiped off the table, gives everything a new perspective. I have a history of not enjoying the use of psykers very much except that Blood Lance ability, STR8 AP1 melta 4d6 range is incredible. I just always forgot to activate the thing in combat.
