Saturday, July 6, 2013

Forge World in Tournaments

I am going to start this by saying that I love Forge World, their models are beautiful and the rules are unique and exciting. I am very slowly working on a Minotaurs army because their story is awesome and a Space Marine chapter that specializes in beating on other marines is always cool. Something that has always upset my gaming group is that FW rules are never allowed in tournaments, so in this post I am to look at the pros and cons of FW in tournaments.

Diversity. More armies is always an upside for a tournament. Someone might roll their eyes and say that the only diversity that this will bring is more space marines, and really, even if that's all the difference that was made it would be worth it. Wouldn't it be worth it to see some characters besides Vulkan, Lysander, and some librarian in a marine army? That is also very short sighted because you would see some very interesting Imperial Guard armies out there using Krieg and Elysian rules to mix things up a bit. There is also some ork, eldar, and now necron lists out there for people to play too. This will encourage people to build more balanced lists because the diversity of lists is expanded beyond what was previously seen.
My slightly converted Tyberos
Gamers spend a lot of money to build a Forge World army and outside of their own gaming group are treated like second class citizens. There is nothing so wild and out of the power level that excuses this exclusion to tournaments. In every current book there is even a "40k approved" stamp on every model that has been approved for use in every day games. Since it is approved there should really be no reason to exclude it. 

Really the only down side to allowing Forge World lists is that there is a lot of information that people will not know about an army. I'm sure some people would be very surprised when they charge a squad of weapon skill 4 guardsmen and are suddenly not hitting as many attacks as was expected. Games need to be finished in timely fashion to get the 3-5 games in a day needed to have a decent tournament and sitting around for even 10 minutes answering questions about what makes your Forge World army special is time not spent rolling dice, and we all know there will be rules disputes during the game. That can still be easily solved by putting an earlier registration date for players that are using FW rules so others attending the tournament can look up the special rules and plan accordingly. Anybody that wants to bring an army from FW that does nto register by that given date will not be allowed because it's not fair to the other competitors.
My Asterion!
With all the supplemental codexs being released by Games Workshop the learning curve is as steep as ever. To be caught up fully on Eldar I either have to play them a lot, which may or may not happen depending on my group, or I have to buy the codex and the supplemental book which is a hefty $100 to spend so I am prepared to compete in a tournament against an army I may or may not face and that price will rise with every further supplement released. Why don't they just release the food gates and allow Forge World into the mix and make it an even playing field where nobody will know what to expect and might actually make a balanced all comers list for once?

To finish this post on an upside for allowing Forge World into tournaments, we all like to see fully painted armies and people that get stuff off Forge World tend to put some love into their models or find people to do it for them. I am a big fan of FW sculpts and I want to see more at tournaments. That is not to say people wont get a bunch of cadians and field them as Krieg, we work with what we have after all. Thanks for taking the time to read this, if you have anything to say please feel free to leave a comment below and have an Emperor blessed day!


  1. I for one actually got into 40k and the expansive and rich universe that it is through the Forge World Renegade Militia models. I absolutely fell in love with their gritty, diverse appearances, not to mention much more "Proportionate" features compared to regular Guardsmen from GW. Also, I mean its FW so you know the detail will be great as what we come to expect. I never had a problem at all with people playing Forge World lists or Forge Wold models. If the person actually took the time to paint those beautiful models and paid the points for them, they should be no different than standard GW units/lists. Not to mention FW buyers pay almost twice as much if not more for the same type of unit that GW sells so c'mon, OF COURSE I'll let the player get as much use out of them. I will say this, the most fun I have had playing 40k was when I played my Vraksian Renegades: Servants of Slaughter army because of how crazy and just freaking fun the list and models were...and I played 5 armies in my short 40k career, now going onto 6 which so happens to be a Traitor Guard army yet again :)

    1. As a person that plays FW armies, have you ever experienced any sort of discrimination from people outside of your normal gaming group, or maybe even inside it?

    2. Inside of my gaming Group never, well because I am the one who creates dates and gathers everyone together for games and I tend to be very laid back as my best friend plays Krieg and uses the FW army lists. All that matters with me is if you pay the points and follow your Force Organization Chart, then I am happy with whatever you bring, I like variation in my games. Outside of my group it does tend to be a different story, hence why I may still run Forge World models but I run a Games Workshop list most of the time. I always ask first if people wouldn't mind if I could run a FW lists and usually the response is a resounding "NO". Its kind of sad really because well the FW lists can be so fun to field. Just because they have their own Special Rules and unique units shouldn't deter people away from facing them or building a FW army. I mean WHO doesn't want to fight a group of Renegade Ogryn Berserkers that may actually over dose on their combat drugs, they are as much of a threat to the enemy as to their selves and well that makes for a very fun narrative and tense situations for both the enemy and the controlling player. Long story short, outside my group, yes they're is discrimination of FW armies, inside my group..I actually support and encourage it a lot.

    3. I would hope that your own group would allow you to use FW especially if you are the one setting up the games haha. That really is a bummer that people at your local stores flat out refuse to let you play with those sort of lists. I agree that so long as a person pays the points ang follows their force org chart then everything is okay. Next time you ask them if you can use FW ask, "Would you rather me use a fun FW list or pull out my triple Helldrake CSM list?" Doesnt matter if you dont have those, just bluff them since that is an evil list.

    4. haha i like your style
