Thursday, September 12, 2013

Space Marine 1500 points; Iron Hands and White Scars

Developing lists is a huge part of this game and one of my favorite things to do in my copious amount of free time. I built this list with the purpose of creating something balanced, fun, and hopefully a little competitive. It's a little bit of mech with a lot of bodies, 52 Space Marines with a few vehicles seems like a good balance to me. Continue reading to see the list and my analysis of how the list works as a whole.

Iron Hands Primary Detachment

HQ- Master of the Forge  +5 Servitors 140 points.
Troops- Tactical Squad with missile launcher 155 points.
Tactical Squad with missile launcher 155 points.
Tactical Squad with Plasma gun 155 points.
Fast Attack- 5 man assault marine squad with melta bombs 90 points.
Heavy Support- Predator Tank with auto cannon and las cannon side guns 115 points.
Hunter with hunter killer missile 80 points.
Thunderfire cannon 100 points.

White Scars Allied Detachment

HQ- Khan on bike 150 points.
Troops- 5 bikers with Vet Sgt and power sword.
5 bikers with Vet Sgt and power sword.
Heavy Support- Thunderfire cannon 100 points.

How the List Works

The master of the forge is your warlord which is a bummer since he is essentially a wasted warlord trait but his purpose is to sit in the back and repair your two vehicles. It may seem like a large investment of points to have a guy to repair two tanks but since the heavy weapons are in your vehicles and you need to keep them functioning for as many turns as possible. This list also comes with two other tech marines that come with the thunderfire cannons so you can boost the cover save of three different pieces of terrain. Just sit your vehicles back in cover to make them a bit more survivable while everything else advances forward to keep your opponent pre occupied. The Iron Hand units all get a 6+ feel no pain which is better than nothing and vehicles/characters can regenerate hull points/wounds on a 5+ the turn they lose them. Obviously the tactical squads are there to hold objectives and provide a counter for light vehicles with their special weapons. Of course the Hunter is there to take down enemy flyers and shoot at a vehicle with it's hunter killer missile turn one so you aren't wasting a turn just sitting there.

The White Scars, with the exception of the Thunderfire, act almost as a completely different army since their goal is to hunt down the enemy warlord and infantry squads. In combat this army doesn't pack quite the punch that a squad of terminators or other dedicated close combat units possesses so you will need to work with the thunderfire cannons using their rounds that make a unit act like it is in difficult terrain which will slow them down allowing your insanely fast bikers to gain the advantage over almost any unit or avoid dangerous units entirely. 

In objective games this list has a total of 5 scoring units or 8 if you combat squad the tactical marines. Other missions that make heavy support or fast attack options scoring means you will have even more and except for the assault squad are all rather difficult to kill, and even then they have the 6+ feel no pain. Their objective is to kill enemy vehicles with their melta bombs.

That's all I have, let me know in the comments section what you think of the list. Thanks for reading and have an Emperor blessed day!

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