Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Space Marine Codex Review: Chapter Relics and Custom Characters

Just like the title suggests I will be going over the 6 chapter relics and the 7 regular characters you can make. So far I am really liking this book, I will never complain about having so many options and we are not even out of the HQ section of the book yet. There are some awesome characters that you can make yourself with the inclusion of the relics so instead of hinting at it let's just get to it.

Chapter Relics

The Burning Blade: This is a 55 point upgrade that gives your guy a power sword that is AP2 with a +3 strength buff that also has the blind and Incandescent special rules. 
-This blade is amazing! Just hit an enemy squad with this sword and they immediately must take an Initiative test or be reduced to weapon skill one for the rest of the combat which will make the rest of the guys in your squad hit more often and be hit far less in return. The only down side is the incandescent rule where at the end of the assault phase you roll a d6, if you roll a 1 you take a strength 4 ap2 hit so be sure to give whoever has this weapon an invulnerable save. 
The Armour Indomitus: A fancy bit of artificer armor that gives a 2+ save and a 6+ invulnerable save. Here is what makes this bit of wargear worth 60 points, during any phase you can activate the armor's force field to get a 2+ invulnerable save that lasts until the end of that phase so don't activate it in the movement phase unless you have the worst luck ever making dangerous terrain tests.
The Shield Eternal: If your opponents hated storm shields before then they will now have a reason to hate this one to a new extreme. For 50 points you get the customary 3+ invulnerable save and you also get the eternal warrior and the adamantium will special rules. If you are tired of your expensive characters getting squished by a missile or powerfist this shield will cure your woes. Having a 5+ deny the witch roll can be a handy ability as well.
The Primarch's Wrath: 20 points for a 3/5 salvo bolter with shred and master crafted. If you just need an HQ and want to keep the points down but still want something fancy for him then give him this bolter and put him with a tactical squad or a sternguard squad in a drop pod for a bunch of bolter shots.
Teeth of Terra: This is a pretty sweet chainsword and for once allows you to put a chainsword on a commander without looking like a cheap skate. What makes this worth taking is at 35 points it is cheaper then most of the relics here and it is AP3 with +2 strength. You also get d3 attacks on the charge from rampage and strikedown which in itself is a bit of a goofy rule for a close combat weapon. It is also a specialist weapon so you don't get the extra attack for having a pistol. Combine this with the relic bolter for a total of 55 points and you have a rather interesting build.
Standard of the Emperor Ascendant: Do you like having banners in your army? If you like spending 65 points on them then this banner is for you! You get to re-roll failed morale and pinning tests if the unit is within 12 inches of the banner. Friendly units form this codex that are within 6 inches of the banner get hatred and +1 to their combat resolution, this part is nice since most rules only apply to units in the same detachment. The standard bearer and his unit also cause fear.

Custom Characters

Chapter Master: 130 points base, comes with an orbital bombardment and access to all sorts of fancy war gear.
Captain: 90 points, one wound and attack less than the chapter master and no orbital. Both of them can be mounted on bikes which unlocks bike squads of 5 or more as troop choices.
Terminator Captain: This is actually under a separate entry from the captain. 120 points for access to terminator weapons and he comes with the armor but does keep his iron halo for the 4++.  
Librarian: 65 points for a level one psyker. Very cheap but also very vulnerable, give him a storm shield for 10 points to give him an invulnerable save. He can be upgraded to level 2 but not 3.
Chaplain: 90 points for this guy that boosts whatever squad he joins in combat so long as you get the charge. One weapon skill, wound, and attack less then the captain and can't be upgraded to a reclusiarch. 
Master of the Forge: Another 90 point character with a 2+ save and ballistic skill 5. Don't get him stuck in combat and he can stay in the back fixing your tanks with the help of servitors that are 10 points a guy. He also unlocks all types of dreadnoughts to be used as heavy support and elite choices.


Mr. Invincible: Start out with a terminator captain and give him The Shield Eternal relic. Put him in an Iron Hands detachment to give him 6+ feel no pain and the possibility to re-grow wounds from It Will Not Die. You get all this for 170 points which is quite the bargain for an Eternal Warrior Warlord. 
Bike Lord: Regular Captain with a bike to unlock bike troops, then give him the Armor Indomnitus for the one phase 2++. For 170 points you get a toughness 5 captain with a 2+ save and you keep the 4+ invulnerable save from the Iron Halo so you will be okay after you use the 2+ inv. You can also give him the storm shield for all the goodies it has but then you get into the 200 point range which I find hard to accept outside of large point games which I don't enjoy playing because it promotes craziness. You should also add a power weapon for combat prowess, a relic blade would go nicely for an extra 25 points. You should also take the White Scars Chapter Tactic to get all their amazing bike abilities. 
Master of the Armory: Take a master of the Forge, give him 5 servitors so that they can take look out sir rolls for him if he gets hit. He only has two wounds so be careful with him. Give him the Iron Hands chapter tactic to possibly get wounds back and to almost auto-repair vehicles. For 140 points you really can't beat this guy if you are running a mechanized list. Just remember that his servitors are his wounds and armor but if you can keep him out of line of sight behind a land raider he will do his job just fine.

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