Friday, September 6, 2013

Space Marine Preorder and Fedex

I preordered the Space Marine codex on Sunday guaranteeing me a copy on release day which has me very excited. Naturally the minute I get an email from Games Workshop with the tracking number I open the link and watch it travel from Memphis Tennessee to California. Up in the top right hand corner there is an expected delivery time and date which is 1030 in the morning on Friday. When I woke up today and did my morning rituals and sacrifices to the Emperor of man kind I looked up the tracking information expecting to see that my book was delivered safely. That is not what I see, what I get instead is a big red exclamation point saying that the business was closed so they could not deliver it. Okay, no problem just load it on a truck to try again during a later part of the day right? Nooooooo, we will deliver it the next business day which means Monday. After a period of wailing and gnashing of teeth I calmed down and resigned my fate to getting the book on Monday. It did not take me long to remember that the store I ordered it from which happens to be a Games Workshop store does not open until Wednesday after they close on Sunday.

I stalked around the house a bit bashing servitors and cursing my fate at having to wait another week for my book since I would not be able to pick it up during the week. After preparing a scathing speech which would make the GW customer representatives ear's bleed I decided to call the store to see if they would be able to do anything to fix the situation. I called the store and calmly explained the situation. Quickly the manager opened up the boxes that had been delivered earlier in the day to see if my book was in there. After looking for a while he promised me that if the book was not in the box he would gladly let me walk out with one off the shelf so that I would not have to wait until the next week which soothed my ill mood. He went to the bottom of the last box that he received and sure enough was the book marked for me. With the Emperor shining down on me once again I hung up the phone and began to paint my last assault marine.

For those of you that are picking up your codex in the next few days or even weeks I hope the Emperor shines upon you like he did me.

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