Monday, September 9, 2013

Space Marine Codex Review: Special Characters

Fair warning, this is a long post thanks to there being a ton of special characters and other options to take as an HQ choice. I will be doing them in order the book has them so Ultramarines are coming first, and there are a lot of them. If you are familiar with the previous codex all the names will be familiar except the addition of the Black Templar characters.

Marneus Calgar, Chapter Master of the Ultramarines: The story on his page is only two short paragraphs saying that he is an awesome legend and a champion of mankind. What does he do for your army, costing 285 points when you add in terminator armor?
Warlord Trait- Unlike most of the special character who have a warlord trait already chosen Calgar gets to roll on the table three times and you get to pick from those, re-roll any duplicates. With how expensive this guy is, having a warlord trait that doesn't do much for you seems like a bit of a rip off but this ability pretty much ensures that never happens.
God of War- Ultramarines can choose to pass or fail any morale check. You can also use one combat doctrine twice in a game.
Titanic Might- Reroll failed attempts to penetrate vehicles in close combat. You can also re-roll glancing hits in an attempt to get a penetrating hit but you have to take the second result.
Chapter Relic- Gauntlets of Ultramar: x2 Strength AP2 with built in strength 4 AP2 assault 2 bolters.
-As one of two characters that has eternal warrior he automatically makes it on my list of potential characters to take in an army. Yes he is very expensive but he is a beast in combat and gives huge buffs to your entire army.

Captain Sicarius: A man that has more titles than there are planets in the Ultra System, he has mastered the art of charging recklessly into situations that would normally be suicidal and coming out the other side more or less in tact. Normally this would be something to be looked down upon if done by another chapter but this has caused him to be something of a hero and is the rumored heir apparent should Calgar die.
Warlord Trait- The Imperium's Sword. (Furious charge one time use.)
Battle Forged Heores- One tactical squad gains counter-attack, infiltrate, scout, or tank hunters.
Rites of Battle- Other Ultramarines can use his leadership for any morale or pinning test.
Surprise Attack- If he is on the battlefield you gain +1 to your reserve rolls.
Chapter Relics- Mantle of the Suzerain which gives him feel no pain. Talassarian Tempest Blade is an AP3 power sword that can be used to perform 1 attack instead of his normal amount that gives plus 2 strength and instant death.
-For 185 points Sicarius is a pretty decent choice to take. He works well with drop pods full of tactical marines who can use their tactical doctrine to really inflict the pain the turn they drop, and he can save you 35 points on a drop pod by giving a squad infiltrate or scout to get in range and help spread your enemies return fire.

Chief Librarian Tigurius- One of the few characters that is not caught up in his own legend or obsessed with the power that he wields which drives everyone else in his chapter crazy. It is also important to know that he is the only librarian special character.
Warlord Trait- Storm of Fire. (One friendly unit can re-roll misses to hit on the shooting phase.)
Gift of Prescience- You can re-roll any reserve roll so long as it is in the same detachment as Tigurius.
Master Psyker- You can re-roll any amount of dice to determine his psychic powers.
Psyker- He generates his powers from all 5 psychic disciplines.
Chapter Relics- Hood of Hellfire, it's a psychic hood that allows you to re-roll failed psychic tests. Rod of Tigurius, +2 strength AP4, is a master crafted force weapon with concussive and soul blaze.
-At 165 points he is pretty hefty for a librarian since a normal one costs 90 points for a level two psyker. However since he is level 3 and can re-roll his abilities it is much more likely that you will get the powers you want. Since he does not have an invulnerable save outside of any psychic powers he generates he is rather vulnerable with only his 3+ save.

Chaplain Cassius, Ultramarines Master of Scancity- The oldest Ultramarine alive this guy goes around calling everyone from the newest scout to the dreadnoughts, and even Calgar himself laddie. This guy got pulverized by a Carnifex but was later pieced back together by the chapters apothecaries. Essentially back from the dead he was "blessed" with a revelation that that the Tyranids were really a curse on mankind due to their lack of faith. He has formed his own growing band of warriors who believe in what he says about the 'Nids. Calgar tolerates his unit that is outside the dictates of the Codex Astartes since it is Cassius' band that will probably turn the tide in a future battle against the bugs.
Warlord Trait- Angel of Death. (Causes Fear.)
Chapter Relic- Infernus is a master crafted bolter with helfire rounds that wound on a 2+, a one use flamer is also attached to the gun.
-For 130 points you get a toughness 6 chaplain that has feel no pain. Not bad if you have the points to spare but the toughness 6 doesn't do a whole lot for you until there is only him and one more person left in the squad since you wound on majority toughness.

Sergeant Telion- There is no batter shot in the 40k universe than Telion. He makes shots so far that he has to take the curvature of the planet into account. Best shot ever, that's all you need to know.
Telion is a sergeant upgrade for scouts so no warlord trait here.
Eye of Vengeance-  All shots made by him are precision shots.
Voice of Experience- If Telion does not shoot or run he can bestow his ballistic skill on any model in his squad.
Chapter Relic- Quietus is a heavy two ap5 sniper rifle.
- For 50 points he is a great addition if you are playing against someone with bad armor saves. Plasma gunners and sergeants with power axes will no longer trouble you with Telion blowing off their ugly heads, two at a time.

Sergeant Chronus- This guy speaks tank and they speak back to him. He is the tank whisperer and they respond to his whispers. He has a pretty cool rank as the "Spear of Macragge," which means that he gets to saddle up in any vehicle he likes and he only has to take orders from Calgar himself.
Ultramarines Tank Commander- Tank he rides in gains It Will not Die, and ignores crew shaken and stunned results.
- For 50 points he seems a little steep to get one vehicle to ballistic skill 5 and a chance to repair things on a 5+ that you would get anyway just by having the Iron Hands chapter tactic. That is the end of the Ultramarines!

Kor'sarro Khan, Master of the Hunt- This guy runs around on his bike hunting down enemies of the chapter that have escaped their rightly earned deaths in previous battles with the chapter. Once he cuts down his prey he takes their head back to the chapter home world and the mount it on a pike and have a party.
Warlord Trait- Champion of Humanity. (+d3 victory points for slaying the enemy warlord.)
Master of the Hunt- If Khan is the warlord White Scars on bikes or in a dedicated transport have the scout special rule.
Chapter Relic- Moonfang is a power sword that when you roll a 6 to wound causes instant death.
-150 points to put him on a bike that gives him d3 hammer of wrath attacks. I really thought this guy would be a great ally but the bikes don't gain the scout rule which is something of a bummer but even then you can still turbo-boost through everything because your not slowed by anything and you auto pass difficult terrain tests so allies is still on the table.

Vulkan He'stan, Forge Father- His job is to hunt down the hidden relics that are hinted at in their book the Tome of Fire, it's rumored that once all 9 relics are found that Vulkan will come back to fight with his lads again. There are only 4 relics left to find.
Warlord Trait- Iron Resolve. (+1 to combat resolution.)
The Forge Father- If he is your warlord all meltas wielded by Salamanders are master-crafted.
Chapter Relics- Gauntlet of the forge is a heavy flamer with digital weapons. Kesare's Mantle is a cloak that gives Vulcan a 3+ invulnerable save, Harry Potter's invisibility cloak has nothing on that. Spear of Vulkan is a two handed master crafted power sword that gives +2 strength.
-For 190 points you get a guy with a 2+ 3++ that is not in terminator armor and makes all your melta guns awesome. He can still be killed by one lucky missile or powerfist but with look out sir rolls he should be okay. He isn't exactly my cup of tea but I know a lot of people will like the buff he gives sternguard and their combi-meltas.

Shadow Captain Shrike- Shrike pops up in warzones that have been left to be held by undermanned and seriously under gunned guardsmen whose only hope is that some day soon Shrike and his merry band of killers will strike from the shadows and relieve their beleaguered positions.
Warlord Trait- Angel of Death. (Causes Fear.)
See, but Remain Unseen- Shrike has the stealth and infiltrate special rule, Shrike can only deploy with an assault squad.
Chapter Relics- The Raven's Talon are a set of master crafted lightning claws with rending and shred.
- 185 points to get...meh. 5 attacks on the charge is nice but you can get that with other character for less and with even more potent weapons. If he could have made assault marines troops then he would be a nice addition but otherwise he will probably stay in the shadows and off the tables.

Captain Lysander- In short if Iron Warriors have nightmares they all involve Lysander.
Warlord Trait- Champion of Humanity. (d3 victory points for killing opposing warlord.)
Icon of Obstinacy- If Lysander is your warlord all Imperial Fists within 12 inches of him re-roll failed morale and pinning tests.
Chapter Relic- Fist of Dorn is a strength 10 master crafted thunder hammer.
-At 230 points you really need a game plan to get him into combat. When he does get into combat he will get the job done. 4 attacks on the charge will do a nice bit of damage. Eternal warrior with 4 wounds means that he will not go down easily and the chances of giving up your warlord point is pretty slim.

Pedro Kantor- Chapter Master of the Crimson Fists he resided over the worst tragedy to ever befall the chapter. His strong character has led to the chapter being rebuilt in a time where the loss of an entire chapter would be considered disastrous.
Warlord Trait- Iron Resolve. (Add one to combat resolution that he is in.)
Oath of Rynn- All Crimson Fists in his detachment have hatred, Orks, and receive +1 attack while he is alive and within 12 inches of him. This does not stack with banners.
Hold the Line- Crimson Fist sternguard squads are scoring units.
Chapter Relic- Dorns Arrow is a strength 4 AP4 assault 4 storm bolter.
-185 points gives you a guy that pumps out a lot of shots and gives you a 12 inch +1 attack bubble all the time which can be very handy for when you get charged. Fans of Sternguard will also want to take him to grab onto objectives in the opponents deployment zone.

High Marshal Helbrecht- This guy is pretty awesome, one of the bigger characters in the Battle of Armageddon and one of the handful of people that have vowed to hunt Ghazghkull down and end his Waagh once and for all.
Warlord Trait- The Imperium's Sword. (One use furious charge.)
Crusade of Wrath- Once per game and the start of the assault phase Black Templars gain hatred and fleet until the end of the phase.
Chapter Relic- Sword of the High Marshals is a power sword that is master crafted and gives d3 attacks on the charge.
-For 180 points you get a guy with a nice sword and a combi melta and that for one turn can make your templars vicious when charging. He won't be winning you any challenges but that's for another character in your army.

High Chaplain Grimaldus- A very angry individual that doesn't think dying is the cool thing to do so simply refuses to die even when a building collapses on him and is then trampled by orks.
Warlord Trait- Rites of War. (Use his leadership when units are within 12 inches)
Unmatched Zeal- Black Templars within 6 inches of Grimaldus have the Zealot special rule.
Cenobyte Servitors- When Black Templars are within 6 inches of of a servitor they get a 6+ invulnerable save.
-185 points to get a fancy 3 wound chaplain with a master crafted plasma pistol and the It will not die special rule. For the servitors you pay 30 points for 3.

The Emperor's Champion- At the start of a crusade a brother will get a vision which he will then tell the chaplains. After blessing him and going through a bunch of rituals they give him an awesome sword and super black artificer armor and it will be his job to go kill the big bad guys in single combat.
Slayer of Champions- The Champion must accept or issue a challenge whenever possible. He has two combat stances which you must pick at the start of the fight sub-phase.
Smite the Unclean- Get +2 strength, becomes two handed, and is unwieldly. (Stance 1.)
Slay the Heretic- To wound rolls of 6 have the instant death special rule. (Stance 2.)
Chapter Relics- Armor of Faith gives a 2+ save and a 4+ invulnerable save. Black Sword is an AP 2 master crafted power sword.
-For only 140 points you get a guy that will challenge every person out there and more often than not win. His weapon skill of 6 will help him a lot when it comes time to challenge your opponents warlord and any other special character. Just keep him away from teminators and things with low ap blast weapons.

Final Thoughts

Sooooooooo many characters to choose from. Luckily there is something to slim the choices down for us. Chapter tactics limit exactly who you can take in your army which detachment and a lot of the characters special rules only take effect if they are the armies warlord which distracts you from taking them as an allied choice. I really like Khan as an allied choice or Warlord, preferably an ally even if I do lose out on the scout special rule. I also really like Lysander because he is a big beefy character that won't be put down easily and will welcome the chance to absorb those evil blast templates one wound at a time. I also like Sicarius, he is a decently priced HQ option with a nice bit of war gear that if you get lucky can slay a guy with one hit. 

Thanks for reading, next post will be regular HQ options and Chapter Relics. Have an Emperor blessed day!

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