Tuesday, December 31, 2013

1500 Point Battle Report; Imperial Guard Vs. Blood Angels A Battle of Faith

It had been a while since I got a game in so I contacted my friend and we agreed to do a modified Relic mission at 1500 points. To make things a little bit more interesting after turn one the relic would scatter 2d6 in whichever way the arrow pointed, if it was a bullseye then the relic would move where the little arrow pointed. We also allowed custom characters to be taken but would give up a victory point if they were killed. The last thing that made this game unique was that all infantry sized models gained the deepstrike special rule, we also made a special rule called, "shunting," that every unit had which would allow a unit to scatter d6 inches in a random direction during any phase in the players turn I can assure you that this battle report is very unique and at the very least worth a laugh. It was a bitter fight to the very end with heroes arising from the most unexpected places.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Forging Ahead

With the new supplements of Escalation and Stronghold Assault being 100% legal to use in regular games of Warhammer 40k there are going to be some growing pains ahead for the gaming community. I for one look forward to the changes that these supplements can bring, hell if you want to bring a Baneblade to my preferred 1500 point games I will be more than happy to let you put it on the table. There are negative Nancies all over the internet saying how these books are terrible, they will never be allowed in tournament play, and anything else that can be said to condemn these books. In this post I am going to look at the positives that these new rule sets bring to the table and why I am looking forward to the changes.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Space Marine Lovin'

Lately I have not been in much of a 40k mood, I have been struggling to think of anything to post up here and to even finish the bikers that I waited so long to get. So instead of pushing out content half heartedly I waited until I actually had a topic that had a bit of spark to it, something that I really cared about. In all honesty if I don't care about a topic I am not going to post about it. Going back to my 40k roots in this post, I am going to talk about why space marines are the best faction out there. I'm going to try really hard not to make this a space marine fan boy post because it is the faults the marines have that make them attractive to me far more than their perfect image.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Captain on Bike w/pictures.

Since I do not like to proxy models or not have models that are properly represented I knew that I had to get some non Blood Angel looking bikes to represent my White Scars allies. Here is the finished product of my captain on bike or Khandepending on what I finally decide on. I still need to get my hands on some Crimson Fist shoulder pads for him to be 100% done. Until then I am pretty pleased with the finished product.

Hammer of the Emperor: Support Units

Anyone who has fought with the Guard, or against them, knows that Guardsmen are not something to be feared when isolated from support. Ten models at Toughness 3 dealing damage at Strength 3 on a 50/50 hit ratio is laughable. A squad of guardsmen are easy prey for the roaming Warrior Brood or Assault Squad, Eldar/Tau Shooters, or Heretic/xenos Psykers. As mere mortals in the face of these threats, we in the Imperial Guard have options. Tactician Delta is back again with more insight into the Imperial Guard. As with any post with a guest author anything I say will be in this red lettering.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Salamander; Book Review

I just finished Salamander by Nick Kyme and I am happy to report that it was a pretty good book. I have to give credit to Mr. Kyme for bringing a fresh face to the adeptus astartes which can be a rather difficult task to accomplish. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the Slamanders s a chapter they re probably the friendliest to regular humans. Unlike other chapters that reside in huge fortresses that seclude them from a planets populace the Salamanders live among them and have a larger appreciation for human strengths and weaknesses than any other chapter. They have black skin and red eyes which makes them one of the last things I would want to see in a dark alley. Their favored weaponry is anything that has a flame attached to it and they enjoy making the weapons they wield super fancy in the free time they have. As with any book review of mine expect spoilers to be there so if you have been looking at this book and have been waiting for a stranger to recommend it to you then you can go pick it up now since it is worth the $8.99 price tag.

Into the fires of battle! Unto the anvil of war!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Wargaming on a Budget Part 2: Local Stores/Internet

Supporting your local gaming store is a very important since what you buy from them not only helps keep them open but shows the owner what is important to the customers which in turn encourages them to support that game with special gaming sessions. However it is not always the best option to buy from the store where you go play at. The internet has tons of deals, especially for those that do not want to buy the entierty of a product but just one specific piece. I know for a very long time I wanted the narthecium for the apothecary but did not want to buy a command squad box for one piece of wargear so I turned to eBay to solve my problem.

I really try and do most of my model purchases through game stores because there are so few around me that the little bit that I can support them with, I will. A lot of stores will give a 5-10% discount on all of their products which is a huge benifit and should never be scoffed at. I know some other stores have what can be called loyalty points where the more you buy the more points you earn to get some store credit or they have a straight up loyalty program where if you sign up for it they give you a flat 5% extra off of purchases. Wargaming is an expensive hobby so don't be afraid to ask what sort of discounts are available. One of my "local" stores gives out military, teacher, and student discounts on top of their standard 10% off of GamesWorkshop products. A way to help yourself and the store generate sells is to ask them if you can run an event in there store. The daily grind of opening/closing, dealing with customers, stocking the shelves, and everything else involved in running a store can leave little time to properly run events that could generate more income for the store. This is where you come in. Ask the store manager what event you can run such as an escalation league, campaign, or tournament, and in return for you running this higher profile event that will bring more people into the store they will offer a further 5% off of game products for those that sign up for the event days and actually participate. There is a dozen things you can do along this line such as prize support, awards, or even a hug from the stores one "cute" person, these usually require a modest participation fee. Get out there and work with your friends and store owner to get more games in, money going further, and making the hobby better.

For some of us just getting to a "local" game store is an event by itself and you might have enough time to try and get one game in if you are lucky and can't use that precious gaming time trying to start up a large scale event to get a sweet discount. In this case the internet is your friend and ally. Ebay offers a bunch of great deals especially when you buy in bulk. I have seen thee boxes of assault terminators for about $90 when they normally cost $150. The trouble with this is saving the correct amont and having it at the right time when what you want is actually available. The internet way is probably the best and surest way to save a few bucks but you really need to be patient to be able to find the right deal. Everyone has their own priorities of what is more important, fast shipping, free shipping, refundable, how many stars the seller has, all that sort of stuff. It's not like all the planets have to be in alignment to find a good deal but it can feel like that sometimes.

I'll admit that my purchase history is pretty erratic but I do tend to support local stores whenever possible but I have grabbed a few E-Deals in my time. I would also encourage you to support your own local store even if it is a GW store that does not offer any discounts just because it is absolutely worth having a store with friendly people to play with and good tables to play on. Naturally if your local store is full of bastards and the manager is a crazy person then don't go there. I use the internet for hard to find bits, or bits that are awesome but the rest of the kit is underwhelming and I don't want to buy the full box. Each person will buy based on their own needs almost every time though. I hope you got something out of this little post, if you have your own money saving tricks then please put them in the comments. Have an Emperor blessed day, even you Chaos worshiping scum! ;)

Hammer of the Imperium; Death Korps of Krieg Part 2

Playing Death Korps of Krieg
The Assault Brigade
Now on to the second post on the Death Korps of Krieg. This will be about the Assault Brigade. This is a different list and plays differently too. The Assault brigade really takes the concept of your best defense is a good offense to a new level. While with the siege list it is about your artillery, and slow advancing under their fire, this list you have to get to your enemy and you have the tools to make it advancing guard frightening. “The Death Korps of Krieg are infamously resolute and grimly determined soldiers, able to fight on where others would flee or break down in terror. They are hardened by the bleak conditions on their birth world, fortified by iron faith in the Emperor and subjected to a brutal regime of indoctrination and military training from infancy” (Fall of Orpheus page 173).

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Blood Angels + White Scars VS. Black Templars 1500 Point Battle Report With Pictures.

I am really excited to be typing this battle report up because I had a great time playing the game. This is a tale of two assault oriented armies going up against each other in a chess like match that could only end with one winner. If you are tired of seeing battle reports where two armies just sit back and lob pie plates at back and forth this should provide a bit of fresh air for you.  We ended up rolling dawn of war deployment with The Emperor's Will mission type. Let's move on to the army lists and the report.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Getting Battle Ready

I have got a game set up with a friend for the 15th of this month and I am very excited about it since it will pit his Black Templars against my Blood Angels/White Scars army. I have not played against his Templars in over a year when I was running around with Blood Claws. What makes me most excited about this game is that it is two assault based armies fighting against one another. For me this is very rare, 6th edition is very much a shooting friendly so a game where bolt pistols and chain swords are on the majority of models will be a breath of fresh air.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wargaming With a Budget: Beginners

Most of us have a limited amount of money that we can put into our hobby. For those of us that have been in game for a few years we know about a lot of the traps and pit falls of buying models on a whim. I know for myself that when it come to getting new things I have very specific criteria that must be met before I go and get it. I am sure most hobbyists have something similar to what I have but meets their needs. This post is for those that are just getting into the hobby and are a little daunted by some of the big price tags that are out there.

Hammer of the Imperium; Death Korps of Krieg part 1

This post is all about playing the Death Korps of Krieg Forgeworld army. This post is written by a guest author who will go by the name Tactician Hammer. He has been playing Krieg for a few years now and has also dabbeled in Eldar, Tau, and GW standard Guard. I have played against these guys many many times and they are a thorn in my side but they provide a great army, as well as opponent, to test my own skills against. I will be interjecting my own comments into what he wrote to provide a different side of things. What I say will be in red as well as in parenthasis so feel free to skip those parts if you want to just read his overview. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Grav Guns with Imperial Guard

First off this is complete speculation on my part, I have no clue if Imperial Guard are going to get access to Grav Weapons when their codex gets updated but for this post I am going to assume that they are. Just don't go running around saying that this is prophecy or some craziness like that. If you haven't guessed by now I am going to look at how access to grav weapons will effect IG armies.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

More List Building!

As much as I may hate math there is a small amount required when doing list building. Space Marines more than any army need to be very careful with how many points are put into a unit. A player can very easily get carried away throwing all sorts of special weapons on a squad making it very expensive only to see it get wiped off the table by some large blast template. My current equation has to do with bikers as I am sure a lot of people are trying to work out. This specifically works to my 1750 point list which I am not going to put up again on this post. Just so you know what I am working with as far as the bikes are concerned, I have 140 points to put in this unit without having to take things away from other units. So how about we take a look at this problem.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

From 1500-1750 Points

For a very long time now I have been in a comfortable state of playing 1500 point games. I have stated many times that this is probably my favorite point level to play because it allows a player enough points to take everything they might want but not enough to go over board with crazy things. When I was trying to hunt down a tournament not many were at the 1500 point range, most hovered between 1750 and 2000 points. I want to get my primary list up to that point limit, I will be taking my previous 1500 point list and adding 250 points worth of new stuff. What this post will cover:
1. Current 1500 point list.
2. 250 points of additional troops.
3. What it will cost.
4. How the army will work.

Monster Hunting Bikes and Space Hulk

Allow me to start off saying that I really like the Space Marine codex, there are a ton of options which is only a good thing. Just like any release there are part that someone won't like, for me that is most of the new options. I really like the anti air tanks but the Centurions of both flavors don't really do it for me. Grav guns have been on my negative view roster until the other day when I was thinking about using them on bikes. I will go into that later on in the post. In my free time I have been watching a few videos on the Spce Hulk video game and while they are entertaining to watch the comments section bugs me due to people's over zealous nature in attacking the game and trying to poke holes in the logic of terminators in spcae hulks. Instead of getting into arguments all over YouTube that won't do anything I am going to address it all in this post. If you follow this link it will take you to GW's website and you can view an army by a gentleman named Teemu Valve who has a BEAUTIFUL Carcharodons space marines army. It is well worth a look. http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/wnt/blog.jsp?pid=11000026

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Moving on Up in the World 2,000Views!!!!

2,000 page hits is awesome! Thanks to all of you that have visited the page. I didn't do anything special for 1,000 views so I decided to do something different and allow all of you wonderful people to hear the sound of my voice. I took my most popular post and made a YouTube battle report out of it. I will be the first to admit that the result is not perfect but for a first attempt I am somewhat pleased with the end product. If you amazing people like it please let me know and I will see about converting past battle write ups into these video reports as well as doing it for future games. As always I have a ton of ideas for what to do in the future so your input is always appreciated and let's me know where my attention should be. The link to the report is below. I hope you enjoy it and as always have an Emperor blessed day.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Evolution of a List

For those that have seen my battle reports my list has essentially stayed the same with only minor changes. This particular build has been getting modified for a hell of a long time by this point and I am sure that there will still be some modifications that will be made in the future. In this post I really just want to look at the evolution of my current list starting from where it began to where it was at in my last battle report. This has the potential to be a rather long post so don't say you weren't warned hahaha!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Space Marine 1500 points; Iron Hands and White Scars

Developing lists is a huge part of this game and one of my favorite things to do in my copious amount of free time. I built this list with the purpose of creating something balanced, fun, and hopefully a little competitive. It's a little bit of mech with a lot of bodies, 52 Space Marines with a few vehicles seems like a good balance to me. Continue reading to see the list and my analysis of how the list works as a whole.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Space Marine Codex Review: Chapter Relics and Custom Characters

Just like the title suggests I will be going over the 6 chapter relics and the 7 regular characters you can make. So far I am really liking this book, I will never complain about having so many options and we are not even out of the HQ section of the book yet. There are some awesome characters that you can make yourself with the inclusion of the relics so instead of hinting at it let's just get to it.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Space Marine Codex Review: Special Characters

Fair warning, this is a long post thanks to there being a ton of special characters and other options to take as an HQ choice. I will be doing them in order the book has them so Ultramarines are coming first, and there are a lot of them. If you are familiar with the previous codex all the names will be familiar except the addition of the Black Templar characters.

Space Marine Codex Review: Warlord Traits and Chapter Tactics

Warlord Traits are probably my least favorite part of 6th edition because I have yet to play a game where they have mattered. It is a great idea that could add a lot to a game and the way a character operates on the battle field. In this post I will look at how well the six new warlord traits work in the Space Marine codex. I will also be looking at all of the chapter tactics and how they work. I think that chapter tactics is the wrong wording for what they do, a better term would be company tactics. I like company tactics better because it makes more sense that a company specializes in one particular set of tactics then the whole chapter mastering that particular way of war. I know that when I start running Space Marines I will not be saying I am running, for example, White Scars and Iron Hands it will be Captain Bob of the third company who is a bike master and Honored Brother Henry of the Armory who is a friend of machine spirits everywhere. Enough of that, on to the review!

Blood Angels+White Scars VS. Imperial Guard 1500 Point Battle Report

I was able to get a game in with the same gentleman that I played last time. Both of us changed our lists a bit, since I just got the Space Marine codex I really wanted to try one of the new chapter tactics and the only one that I could do without using my assault marines as tactical marines which hurts their feelings when I do that so I used my Blood Angel bikers as White Scar bikers. We decided on 1500 points because it is a good point limit that allows each player to take a variety of units but not enough to take a bunch of crazy things. We rolled up the relic mission which I feel like gave the advantage to my opponent since all of my units a fast and the relic will just slow them down. Warlord Traits did nothing like every other game. I won the roll to go first and he did not steal the initiative. Continue reading to see both army lists and how the battle turned out.
My Deployment

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Space Marine Codex: First Impressions

Very happy to report I was able to pick up my book today and had enough time to give it a look over and gather some first impressions about it. I am not disappointed with the book at all, it is beautiful, the pictures are all high quality, I like the organization of the book, and probably my favorite part of it is the quick fold out reference sheet for all the chapter tactics and special rules that I am sure will be seeing a lot of use. This is going to be my first post before I start delving in depth with the codex later in the week. Continue reading to get the parts that stuck out to me the most.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Space Marine Preorder and Fedex

I preordered the Space Marine codex on Sunday guaranteeing me a copy on release day which has me very excited. Naturally the minute I get an email from Games Workshop with the tracking number I open the link and watch it travel from Memphis Tennessee to California. Up in the top right hand corner there is an expected delivery time and date which is 1030 in the morning on Friday. When I woke up today and did my morning rituals and sacrifices to the Emperor of man kind I looked up the tracking information expecting to see that my book was delivered safely. That is not what I see, what I get instead is a big red exclamation point saying that the business was closed so they could not deliver it. Okay, no problem just load it on a truck to try again during a later part of the day right? Nooooooo, we will deliver it the next business day which means Monday. After a period of wailing and gnashing of teeth I calmed down and resigned my fate to getting the book on Monday. It did not take me long to remember that the store I ordered it from which happens to be a Games Workshop store does not open until Wednesday after they close on Sunday.

I stalked around the house a bit bashing servitors and cursing my fate at having to wait another week for my book since I would not be able to pick it up during the week. After preparing a scathing speech which would make the GW customer representatives ear's bleed I decided to call the store to see if they would be able to do anything to fix the situation. I called the store and calmly explained the situation. Quickly the manager opened up the boxes that had been delivered earlier in the day to see if my book was in there. After looking for a while he promised me that if the book was not in the box he would gladly let me walk out with one off the shelf so that I would not have to wait until the next week which soothed my ill mood. He went to the bottom of the last box that he received and sure enough was the book marked for me. With the Emperor shining down on me once again I hung up the phone and began to paint my last assault marine.

For those of you that are picking up your codex in the next few days or even weeks I hope the Emperor shines upon you like he did me.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Let Down Week

Sadly I have been unable to get any 40k material out this week. I did make it to a game store on Sunday but all the 40k players decided the sun was too bright and stayed at home leaving me in a store full of Magic the Gathering players. Home life has been pretty hectic which has prevented me from doing much else. Luckily though I had a job interview this week that went really well and am on to the second interview next week, so I will take a job over 40k any day because a job means more $$ for 40k! Other than that I will be pre-ordering the Space Marine codex soon and am planning a full review of the book. Come hell or high water parts will get posted the day that I get it in my hands. I am planning on doing it into parts like; fluff, chapter tactics, wargear, HQs, Elites, Troops, Fast Attack, Heavy Support, and finally my initial feelings about the books as a whole. Good night, I am exhausted, and have an Emperor Blessed day.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Assault Marines WIP2+Small Rant

This is part two of my work in progress assault marines. I have been working on these for a while now taking it slow and steady since I don't have many other projects to do after they are done. This is my first squad for my custom Space Marine Chapter of Blood Fists. Since I don't want to just throw a handful of pictures on here I am going to chat a bit on proxying models and, in my humble opinion, the proper way to go about it. If you don't feel like reading anything and just want to look at pictures then of course feel free to skip all the text you see. :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Death of Integrity Review

Books about Blood Angels and their successors have become some of my favorite stories that have come out of Black Library. James Swallow has written the larger works about the Blood Angels and as much as I enjoy his work it was nice to see Death of Integrity, written by Guy Haley, get released this month. This is the first book that I have read from this author and I am very much looking forward to future releases as well as possibly picking up some of his older material. Continue on to read my review of Guy's book, possible spoilers as always. If you are on the fence with getting this book for whatever reason allow me to push you to the side of getting it, it is well worth it.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Hammer of the Emperor; Imperial Guard Part 1 Infantry.

This post is written by a guest author, introduced as Tactician Delta in a previous post. He has been a Guardsman for around 4 years and knows quite a bit about the inner workings of the Imperial Guard. This is the first installment of a multi-part series that we will be doing that focuses primarily on the Imperial Guard. How it will work is Tactician Delta will create the basic structure of a list then elaborate on the inner workings of how those units are supposed to act together. After he gives the tactical advice I will then give a response from a space marine perspective. There will be something to be learned here for both veteran and neophyte players.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Blood Angels V. Imperial Guard 1500 point Battle Report With Pictures.

This weekend I drove down to a new game store called Pair-A-Dice Games to play some 40k with a friend I had not seen in a long time. Before I get to the battle report I want to say a few things about the store. It was a very nice place that has far more than just 40k, if you are into any role playing game, card game, or miniatures battle game they have stuff for you there and it won't take long at all to find an opponent. The store itself is very clean and well organized, no pressure to buy something from the people that work there. I liked it a lot and look forward to going back there sometime in the future. My friend and I both knew which army the other was bringing just not the full fist. We deployed on the long table edge which was good for me, I actually won the roll to deploy first but I let him go first so I could set up a counter deployment to that and avoid some of his shooting. The mission type was Purge the Alien.
 You can see how he has deployed here on the right side of the board, ignore the left side for now since I was just getting my models out of the box at that point. We had a great battle with lot's of death and carnage on both sides. Continue reading for the rest of the battle report and army lists.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Play the Player

There will always be complaints about units or entire army lists that are considered over powered and there is not much a person can do about it. To an extent that is true, especially if you do not have a decent counter unit. If you are playing against Space Marines and do not have any ap1-3 weapons your chances of winning drop significantly and the same thing goes if you don't have any anti tank weapons and your opponent is fully mechanized you will have a very hard time. What do you do when you run into an army that you are completely unprepared for? There are of course a few options available to you,; simply tell the person you don't want to play against that list, walk away to find another game, or hunker down and figure out a way to win. This post will focus on more psychological tactics that will hopefully assist you in at least making a game competitive. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Terminators in Depth

Arguably one of the most powerful infantry units in the game, terminators offer a wide variety of tactical options to allow a commander to solve a gauntlet of problems with one squad. My history with terminators started with my first Space Wolf army where I used the guys from assault on black reach as my wolf guard. Later I built some real wolf guard with lightning claws to run around with Logan Grimnar, and now I have a handful of terminators for my Blood Angels. I have been met with the entire spectrum of victories and defeats with this unit, seeing them get blasted apart by a Leman Russ packed with plasma, to watching them walk through an entire army without a scratch. In this post I am going to be looking at terminators and how best they can be used, giving plenty of examples of what I do with them.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Land Raiders and a 1750 point list

Land Raiders are very impressive vehicles because of the simple fact that they have an armor value of 14 all around the vehicle making it incredibly resilient. Not only can they take a beating but they can also dish it out in a number of different ways. I have been looking at Land Raiders for a while now and when I get my hands on one I really want to know which type will provide the most support for my army. It is very important to remember that the Land Raider is a support vehicle, not a main battle tank. In this post I will be looking at three LR variants and provide a 1750 point list that is pretty damn solid.


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Something Different, Bretonnians

A few years back I got the Warhammer Fantasy itch and actually bought a few models, and painted them up. Funds were quickly diverted elsewhere, mostly going to my Blood Angels and the project died before I could really get up and running. The person responsible for getting me even interested in WHF was Oncebitten360 who does awesome battle reports on youtube as well as other things. Really this post is for him since I promised him I would show him the models when I was done painting them. So while I am a few years late on actually getting pictures up, it's better late than never!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Evils of Snap Fire and a bit of Black Templars

A new mechanic for 6th edition as we all know by know allows weapons to be fired more often thanks to Snap Fire. In the old edition if you moved a heavy weapon you would not be able to fire it, think of it as having to reset the weapons firing platform or changing the complex targeting algorithms to get an accurate shot off. While this aspect of the rule sounds very handy and allows players to get their points worth out of a weapon, even if it is hitting on 6s, there is one part that is just evil and that is being able to snap fire when getting charged.


Monday, July 22, 2013

Dark Angels: Ravenwing

This post is going to be a mix of a review of the book Ravenwing by Gav Thorpe and some of my own feelings about the Dark Angels chapter. My own history with the chapter is pretty limited, I have never played them on the table or even read all the way through their codex but I have read multiple Black Library books where Dark Angels have a prominent role. For those that don't want to read the full post I will suggest to you that you read Ravenwing, I really think that it is one of the better written space marine books and well worth the time spent reading it. Spoilers throughout this post.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Assault Marines WIP

This is my first bit of work on my own custom chapter of Space Marines. I picked assault marines because I have done about 40ish assault marines for my Blood Angels so this is a very familiar model for me to work with which I figured would help me with assembly and how I want to paint it. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

2,000 Point Battle Report Blood Angels V. Orks with pictures

I was looking for a new store to play games at the other day and ran into a place called Dice of War and I stopped in. Very friendly staff that is low pressure and the gamers looked like they could play at any level of competition with a wide variety of armies. I was able to get in a 2,000 point game with two other gentlemen from the store. One of them brought out his Orks and the other guy and myself made a combined army of Blood Angels.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Blood Angels Mechanized List

I like infantry assault based space marine armies and as a result I don't spend much time looking at the heavy vehicle options of the codex. Today however I decided to give it a serious look to see what I could come up with at the good old 1500 point level. I think Blood Angels have an advantage on this front over their counter parts because of their suped up engines that make all their vehicles, except landraiders, fast moving. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Forge World in Tournaments

I am going to start this by saying that I love Forge World, their models are beautiful and the rules are unique and exciting. I am very slowly working on a Minotaurs army because their story is awesome and a Space Marine chapter that specializes in beating on other marines is always cool. Something that has always upset my gaming group is that FW rules are never allowed in tournaments, so in this post I am to look at the pros and cons of FW in tournaments.

Monday, July 1, 2013

List Packed with Troops

I got in the mood to build a list that still had my signature fast and hard hitting units but had more options to it for every game type and this is what I came up with.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


It's been a wile since I posted anything and that's simply because I have very little to report right now. I am really trying to find a tournament in Southern CA to go to just to get a bunch of games in. I am getting a new phone with a good camera on it so I can finally take some passable pictures of my models and battles. I have a Space Wolf army being sold on ebay right now so once thats done over the next few days I can restock on a box or two of new models.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

How to Beat Eldar: Three Theories

           My friend recently had the pleasure of watching an Eldar player destroy a Dark Angel Dethwing themed army, a Chaos Space Marine Death Guard themed army, and his own Necron army. All the games were played at 2,000 points and had one thing in common; the Eldar won resounding victories against each player. This worries me because normally a new codex has a period of growing pains when a player has a hard time figuring out what will work and what wont and when they do when it is by the skin of their teeth. This is clearly not the case so my tactical team put their thinking caps on and we came up with three theories on how to beat the Eldar.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

1,000 Point Bat Rep With Pictures: Blood Angles v. Orks

On Saturday I had the pleasure of visiting my "local" GW store and getting a game in against a great opponent. I really can't say enough good things about the gentleman I played and wouldn't hesitate to play him again. It was a great game that went both ways and was a nail biter until the end. Continue reading and I am sure you won't be disapointed. 

Friday, June 7, 2013


Everyone's favorite chapter that they love to hate. Over the past couple of weeks I have gone on a personal journey to see what the Ultramarines are all about. Having read both of the big books by Graham McNiell to get a perspective of how they were perceived before what some might call, a 5th edition butchery. I won't be talking about the books too much in this review of the chapter, that will come at a later date. Just to be clear I am not going to go into the history of the chapter, all of that is on wikipedia. This is strictly how I feel the chapter was meant to be and what they have become.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Supplemental Codex

If you visited the GW website today you would have found that the rumored allied codex is not going to happen, but will still somewhat exist in the form of supplemental codexes where the book will focus on one craft world, chapter, regiment, cult, etc. In this post I will go into detail about how this will effect the hobby and what to expect for the future.

Friday, May 24, 2013

GW letting people save money?!

Anyone that has visited Games Workshop's website today will know that Eldar have come out today with some very cool new models. That Wraithknight is massive and I really like the look of the close combat Wraithguard. Other then that I thought it was a pretty weak release compared to the other ones, hopefully it will be made up for in the codex. I found a very nice surprise that some people may have over looked in their  joy of the new release.
Codex: Eldar
New Eldar Codex

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sternguard and Vanguard Changes

I had a conversation with a friend the other day that I really did not expect to have. He really is not a big fan of Space Marines so when he started talking about increasing the points cost for veteran units I had to roll my eyes thinking he was going to go into a tirade of how over powered terminators are, it was anything but. The following is the results of the conversation.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Just a quick post here. The pictures are now up for the Necron-Tau battle report. It really is worth it to go back through it again and look at all the nice pretty pictures. Thanks, have a good one.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Battle Report Necrons v. New Tau (With Pictures!)

This is another battle report from the same guy that provided the last ones. 1,000 point battle of the oldest 40k race against the emerging new one. The bat rep itself is from the players own point of view and his opinion on the game. That being said lets get to the battle.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Support from the Heavies

My armies tend to be fast moving assault based armies, the buffs that shooting units have gotten in 6th edition    has not changed how I like to run my armies. I have evolved a small amount I now have a few units that can shoot at 24 inches instead of having an army that was based completely on a 12 inch threat range. That may change for me because I think I finally found a model that will finally bring me into the 36 inch range...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Necrons v. 30k Marines (Game 3)

This was a pretty interesting game since it is not a match you will normally see. The Space marine army being used in this battle is using the rules from the Horus Heresy book which might cause a bit of a balancing issue since those armies. I don't think that there really will be much of an issue with it since it is at a low point game.

Necrons v. IG (Game 2)

This is game 2/3, the list for the Necrons has changed a bit so don't brush past it. That is all I have to say for the start, I hope you enjoy it.

Necrons v. SM (Game 1)

This is game one of a 3 game battle report that a friend of mine played. Each game was 1,000 points since he really just wanted to see if he liked Necrons enough to make a full army out of them. Sorry there are no pics of the game since there were a large number of proxies and it would have been rather confusing, still there can be something learned from each of these games. Everything said in the report is direct from my friend’s notes and is his own insight for the game; my own analysis can be found at the very end. 


My little blog has been up for around a month and I have reached my centennial view. Thank you all for giving my blog a look and I hope you continue to visit from time to time. I almost have my Blood Angels army done, by done I mean that I have all the models that I want and about 95% of it is built, painted, and ready to be played on a table. Here are some pics of my bikers that I am rather proud of.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Guardians of the Blood

I have been thinking for a while as to what army I want to create in the future. My friends voted that I should run Elysians which I do plan on doing some time, maybe once they get updated to 6th ed. I am not yet done with Space Marines. I don't want this force to be a regular army that I can play with every weekend, I want it to be a unique thing that I bring out for campaigns and special fun games like Apocolypse. With that said I have made a rough draft for what I want the heart of my chapter to consist of and here it is.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Saint's Grace

When I read the first Gaunt's Ghosts Omnibus, The Founding, by Dan Abnett I was very pleased by what was in each and every one of those pages. He wrote the action sequences so well that I could really imagine myself in a huge hive city pinned down by the rolling hordes of enemy infantry. Each character was bright and vibrant and really held their own in the story and was not over shadowed by the charisma of other characters. In the second omnibus by Dan Abnett, The Saint, which this post will be about the Tanith First and Only return in a las gun packed volume of action that picks up where the last book left off. (Massive amount of spoilers.)


Thursday, April 4, 2013

For a Limited Time Only...Why?

I really like many of the works that Black Library sells. Of course my favorite types of books are the Space Marine battle novels but there is at least one series of books out there for each person. I get pretty excited when I check out their website to see what new things are being released this month or even this week, however when I see, "Limited Time Special Edition," I want to slap someone.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Power Up

One of my favorite parts of any codex is the SGT upgrade characters, these individual guys make units much more dynamic and colorful. The story behind most of these guys is pretty awesome and I have to fight myself to not take them in every list I take. Take this as a tie in with the last post about mini HQs.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

1/2 is the New Black

I am back a day later than I expected and now have to get back in the swing of things. I hope you all had a nice and restful Easter. Today I am going to talk about Games Workshop's fascination with HQ choices that only take up half a slot, so you get two for the price of one. At least as far as the force org chart is concerned.

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Happy Easter everyone. Today is a busy day for me so I am going to keep this post short and sweet. Lots of things in store for you this week, I will be talking about Games Workshop's new found fascination with models that take half an HQ slot, a further look at Vanguard Veterans, another book review, and hopefully a battle report by the end of the week! I am also hoping that I will have something special so show you on Monday, something I have been working on for a while and am rather proud of. Once again happy Easter, I will be back to posting real content on Monday!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Not So Heroic

This post stems from a conversation I had yesterday with some friends that took some odd twists and turns and at a few points became rather unfriendly. What we were talking about was Vanguard Veterans and the Heroic Intervention special rule. I am going to climb on Blood Angel soap box and talk about this in the most even way possible and attempt to see the picture from all angles, wish me luck!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Brotherly Love

Happy Good Friday everyone and in the spirit of being good and loving I am going to ramble for a while about Imperial Guard and Space Marines, how they interact in the books/fluff, how their players interact, and my own views will be spattered on throughout.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

What Started it All

I thought that my first content based post would be about what got me started in warhammer and that would be a review of the book Helsreach by Aaron Dembski-Bowden which is a Space Marines Battle Novel published by Black Library. (I do not plan on revealing any spoilers but if they come out sorry!) What you get in this book is the gratuitous slaughter of Orks in an uncountable number of ways at the hands of the Black Templars themselves as well as Imperial Guardsmen.

First Post!

I decided to create my own war gaming blog mostly due to the influence of Shawn at BlueTablePainting and how he is always talking about becoming a part of the gaming community, so this is in my contribution in my own small way. What can you as a reader expect from this humble blog? You can expect regular updates to the blog; I am hoping to post something new at least once a day or every other day. The content I plan on posting up here is my own army progress, I only play Warhammer 40k and that will be my only game for the foreseeable future. My main army is Blood Angels, I also have Space Wolves, and I also have a small Minotaur space marine army that is on standby until IA 12 hits the market. I will be adding my own two cents to the information from the rumor mill. I also hope to initiate some sort of tactical commentary, especially for new players or for people that get intimidated by the larger places for that material. I am entering my third year as a 40k player and love all aspects of it, modeling, painting, the books, etc. It is a fantastic hobby and I really can't wait to share my own hobby world with you wonderful internet people. Have a fantastic day and thanks for reading.